Sunday, October 2, 2016

Where did my blog list go?!? Anybody seen it?!?

What the ****???  I am back from the retreat, back from the airport (long story), and I had a comment asking where my blog list had gone (from my right sideboard).  It is GONE!!  
Do you want to know how long it took me to collect all those blogs that I love to read??

Well, apparently other Google bloggers are having this problem as well.  I am trying not to panic just yet...

More on the retreat after I've gotten a chance to unpack and settle in!

Maybe the Russians are hacking into Blogger as well as the DNC and US government sites...

Not so happy,
Teresa   :o)


  1. oh no - I hope your blog won't be having too many more problems, I know you said that you were not getting email comments any longer too - what is with the blogs lately. HOpe you had fun at your retreat.

  2. I don't have one precisely because it does take so long to create and maintain.
    I hope yours returns from the ether!

  3. Hmm - better make a copy of my read list so if it goes away, I can load it back. Hope you had a grand retreat.

  4. When I was writing a new post there was a message from Blogger saying they weren't going to maintain the links anymore. Guess they think everyone has a feed reader or something.

  5. Mine is gone too and I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how I could have deleted it. I've also been hesitant to rebuild it because I don't want to accidentally leave any of my friends off and hurt feelings. It's not something I've got the time or energy to deal with right now, so I guess I'll wait and see if Blogger puts it back.

  6. Does it show up on an archived blog post? I never kept on. I tried, but people just quit blogging and they wouldn't update for several months I gave up. I don't have that many I follow or that follow me. Except you. Chris

  7. Switch off, reboot. I've had mine disappear a few times. they have always come back.

  8. Mine has disappeared also ack!! I think Bloglovin thinks we are all computer brained!! If it's not one thing it's another lately...hugs, Julierose

  9. Hope you get it back! I use a reader so I won't run into this problem. Google really is trying to take over the world, not allowing interaction with other platforms, which is why I blog on Wordpress.

  10. You should contact them and demand they be reinstated. I like to see the blogs on the side bars. Good luck.

  11. It wasn't just me! I noticed mine was gone last week and have not found all of the blogs I love to read yet. Good luck!

  12. I just googled it Teresa and on a blogger forum it says it's a known issue they're working on restoring. Not sure if that's helpful or not?!?

  13. I had received a message in September from Blogger saying that they would change the links starting September 29th. But I had no idea of what that meant.
    Mine also disappeared and I could find most of them on my "design" area and add back. I also have bloglovin and I think I will stick to it. All the blogs are there. Good luck.

  14. Check your complete profile...your list is there.

  15. Oh my! I will panic if it happens to me as that is how I catch up with everyone. Who is messing with us quilters??? Can't wait to hear about the retreat.

  16. Mine is gone as well! Why can't they just leave things alone!!!!??????

  17. It was fun and inspiring to meet you at retreat, and hope we weren't too "out spoken" for you! I'm keeping you in good thoughts for a positive outcome in PA.

  18. It looks like you may have remedied your problem with the missing link list. Mine disappeared last week. I finally had the inspiration to go to Internet Archive's WayBackMachine ( see if it had saved my blog. Sure enough, I was able to see my blogroll and rebuild it from that. Now, if Google/blogger restores my previous one I don't know if I'll be happy or not, after all the trouble of rebuilding three of them on one blog.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,


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Of course, you can click on my email and contact me there any time!

I am no longer able to accept comments from Anonymous readers...too much weird spam!