I am so happy to have made decisions about the borders for "Contentment," my original quilt celebrating our marriage (our 23rd anniversary is on October 23). I started this project just before our 20th anniversary. Zeesh! Birthing this project has been like having a baby...in slow motion!
The first border has the pieces woven like a chain (my "chain and bull's eye" border...Steve calls it the "ball and chain border"). That seems appropriate for an anniversary quilt.
I am calling the second border my "pop bead and bull's eye" border since Steve said it reminded him of a toddler's pop-together toys. I could not make a decision about using one blue, so I used twenty-eight (stash justification at its BEST!) and almost as many purples.
I felt the first border wasn't heavy or solid enough so I knew I wanted the second border to have the visual weight of a solid strip of color but be more interesting than that.
It's getting too big for the table the top is spread on and the outer border is not even on it yet. It is about 44-inches square right now. It will be about 58-inches square after the final border.
Tuesday night I drew ALL FOUR of the 7-inch wide outer borders. I don't know where the sudden big dump of creativity came from, but I was happy to receive it as I have been totally stressing about the outer border for weeks.
As I watched TV tonight (Debate #3), I played "paper dolls" and cut out all the freezer paper pieces I had traced for border number one. I did not throw the scissors at the TV, but I did lob some rolled up clean socks!
Watching TV (Masterpiece Theater) last Sunday night (NEVER makes me throw scissors...or socks), I cut out the freezer paper pieces for the last thirteen "LITTLE TREASURES" blocks that I drafted last week. Remember that these are my original hand applique patterns that finish 6-inches (can be 9- or 12-inches) so most of the pieces are a little small. Once these are done, I will have 72 finished!
I sort the smaller freezer paper pieces into cupcake papers until I can get them pressed onto fabric. The larger pieces go into a sheet pocket protector with the pattern. This way I don't get down to the quilt cave missing any pieces...thank God for the beading tweezers I use to shuffle all these little pieces around! Using them bypasses my fumbly fingers.
It was 90 degrees this afternoon. It hasn't rained on our little mountain since August 29...we have not had any rain on the roof since we had to have all the screws holding down the metal roofing replaced...don't know for certain yet that the leaks are now addressed. We are having a mostly colorless fall. There are trees that are seriously stressed, including magnolias which makes me very worried that we might lose them.
Please send rain!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
Finally! I've made some progress on my "Little Treasures" project. I have added a 1-inch finished sawtooth border around the center medallion block (the block finishes 16-inches square and 18-inches square with the addition of the little border).
It took 68 of the little suckers for this one border, but it was made much simpler by taking all the ingredients as my "leaders and enders" project during the retreat. For those not familiar with Bonnie Hunter's "leaders/enders" concept...she uses something like this, say two triangles, as the fluff that she adds to her chain piecing "chain" right before being ready to stop chain stitching. That saves thread and makes it easier to start chain-piecing again without the machine trying to "eat" the fabric bits. That is how I made all my half-square triangles, which I later pressed and trimmed down to size before assembling strips of the little beasts.

I love how this border looks around my original design for the medallion block! Seeing this step done has FINALLY helped me decide on the body of this quilt! Yahoo! This required me to design/draw an additional thirteen 6-inch applique blocks. I will share more later about this exciting new development.
I have also been working on the two inner borders for our anniversary quilt, "Contentment."
Pieces and parts, all woven into a border...getting the final soaking to remove the glue.
The inner border is now applied and the outer border pieces are all appliqued...four border strips and four cornerstones...waiting me to attach them to the body of the quilt. My husband says they remind him of the "pop beads" our daughter had as a toddler.
And I have now finished ALL of the FORTY applique blocks for "Afternoon Delight." Here are the last six, all hand-stitched, soaked, and trimmed.
I have enjoyed stitching these blocks so much...I am almost sorry to be done. But mostly, now I have no excuses for not facing and finishing the last 56 Double Nine Patch blocks needed for the setting.
Three projects that excite me and progress (finally!) on all three. I think my retreat motivated me to finally make some decisions concerning how to finish "Contentment" and "Little Treasures," and Sue Garman's "Afternoon Delight" has just been along for the ride as an excellent source of fabric therapy when I needed it the most.
I am so glad to see my blog list back, although I need to spend some time on it. There are a few blogs missing and a few more that I have found. I will never understand Blogger, but I have decided that it is something like a living, breathing cyber beast, sent to torture me when I least need the frustration!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
I was very happy last Friday to cross the Tennessee River into Florence to partake of the Batting Brigade Quilt Guild's show.
I totally underestimated how many beautiful quilts would be on display and did not take an extra battery for my camera. I am so sorry to have missed taking pictures of some of the quilts...my apologies to those quilters!
This Alabama Quilt was made by the guild in the 1990's and has been displayed in Welcome Centers along many highways entering the state.
I loved seeing the peanut block...my mother's father was a gentleman peanut farmer near Goodwater, Alabama.
My new hometown of Tuscumbia, Alabama is the address of Helen Keller's home/museum, which is represented by the hand water pump.
I will let the quilts speak for themselves through the quilt labels. You will enjoy the homemade ribbons!
Uh-oh...worse than usual photography alert...this quilt was made by Betty Hughes.
Made by Susan Manno...
Now, go finish something!
Teresa :o)