
Friday, March 21, 2014

Wonky mug rug mania...

Now that I've distributed these mug rugs, I can share them!  You know it's a brutal winter when you don't get out to see and visit with your quilt friends...some of us (me) have been hibernating, waiting for it all to just stop...the snow, the below-freezing-temps, the isolation, the depressed mood.  I think we are 3 inches shy of the snowiest winter on record (since the mid 1850's), and it may not be over yet...dang it...

When I need to do "fabric therapy," one avenue of stress release is playing with scraps and making wonky stars (aka Bonnie Hunt's Maverick Stars from here).  Making them is fun and fruitful...I keep them, and some scrappy ingredients, in a box until I think of something fun to do with them.

It is a great way to use those brights tidbits and left over neutral scraps that I just can't bring myself to throw away.

Ta da!  Wonky mug rugs!  I mean, don't we all need a little mat by our sewing machines to put our beverage/snack on to catch the moisture and crumbs?!?  I even subjected my friends to my BAD machine quilting, LOL...

I finally had a day out with these ladies last week, and THAT was some fabulous fabric therapy.  We hit Jennifer's Quilt Shop in Pinckney, MI (see pictures of this FABULOUS SHOP in this old post), Wood N Things in Brighton, MI (GREAT shop for small home decor items), and lunch.  

I was reminded that hibernation is STUPID...connecting with friends is PRICELESS!  Thank you, Ola, Mary and Beth, for a great day...

Have fun with YOUR favorite fabric therapy!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. when one has winter for more than half the year you have to come out of hibernation - it just isn't healthy to stay inside all the time.! I remember when we lived in Idaho and how cold the winter was and how long - the kids and I bundled up and took a daily walk almost every day unless it was below zero or it the wind chill was too bad.

  2. So so fun Teresa! Love the scrappy letters and stars... what a great idea to chase away the winter doldrums!

  3. Scrap play is always good for 'self'. Yes, getting out with friends is much better therapy.

  4. I made a whole full sized quilt out of Bonnie Hunter's Wonky Star pattern. It works up pretty quickly. They are really cute mug rugs. Chris

  5. Finally a person that thinks like me, you can make a berry or a leaf out of that little piece of fabric. Why throw it away? Your mats are great. They are a welcome I am sure to your dreary days. As always, love your blog.

  6. I love these. Lucky for you your friends' names are short! Lol!

  7. I did not know about that shop! I now will have to wonder there sometime soon to help the quilt economy! Lovely blocks and so bright and cheery!

  8. Sounds like you had a great fabric therapy day. I like your letters, maverick stars and the finished result - mug rugs. Too cute.


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