
Thursday, March 27, 2014

"Belles and Blossoms" has sashing and cornerstones...

My original project, "Belles and Blossoms," now has sashing!  I decided to try something a little different for me...appliqued sashing with pieced cornerstones.

So I glue-prepped my little skinny vines, put them in a baggie, and managed to hand applique them while waiting in the car for my daughter at various places.

What will I do when the snow all melts and she is no longer tentative about driving?!?  Maybe I will have to start hand appliqueing during the sermon at church to keep up my level of production.

I really do listen better when my hands are knitters out there can back me up on this.  There's not a lot to "see" during the why not?

(Sometimes there is not much to HEAR...oh my, did I say that?!?)

At first I thought this treatment might be a little busy, but it is growing on me.  It may change my plans for the outer border...I might need a plain border in between this and the outer border, for instance, to break of the insanity. to think about this for a little while...good thing I have another BAZILLION things started that I can work on...

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. This is such a pleasing quilt! Lovely.

  2. Teresa, what about a a plain narrow border then the twisting vines with leaves added. Might be the finishing touch. Just a suggestion. Looks great hopefully you find the time to get it finished. Chris

  3. Astounding, girlfriend. I think you're right about needing a plain border to help mellow out the overall appearance.

  4. Love it. So glad you jumped out of the box. Lovely!!!

  5. A.MAZE.ING, as always! Teresa, you are the most creative person I know. I just love this and the vines in the sashing is perfect! Love, love!

  6. Your work is so beautiful and precise! Gorgeous sashing!

  7. Love what you've done with the sashing!

  8. 'Not much to hear" haha you slay me! Haha!

    Really like your creative slashing and cornerstones! Can't wait to see what's next! You inspire me!

  9. The little vines look perfect! I startedy first applique project ever and used the starch method which I really like alot, and using tools found in the home. Glue basting is so much better than pins. Applique has really come a long way, and is not so scary after all. But those tiny vines... Yikes!

  10. This is so beautiful. I can't wait for the pattern.

  11. Love the belles. Sashing is very unique and will add to overall look. Borders and quilting pattern will enhance your design. I'm sure you'll make the correct decision. Stitching is better than sleeping through a sermon.

  12. Honestly Teresa you have the best patterns to work from and your applique is perfect! Great fabric choices love your finishing with the applique border and sashing. It will "grow" on you even more once you select your quilting too...

  13. I love your appliqued sashings. What a novel idea.

  14. I like what you've done with the sashing. Very original, but what else would it be for you, right? Got tickled about your comment on where you can do your applique. Why not! Don't they say 'idle hands are the devil's workshop'. You don't want HIM visiting you in church.

  15. Dear Teresa,
    I am interested in learning the specifics re the silk thread that you applique with and where you get it. I am getting ready to do some simple applique and you have made me aware that regular thread really doesn't look so great. Thank you, Jane McMillen

  16. So far your Belles and Blossoms are looking wonderful. I like your sashing. It is very creative.

  17. What amazing sashings... it's like the belles are surrounded by a growing garden!

  18. a beautiful quilt! love it and the sashings are great.

  19. This design is so sweet. Love it.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


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