
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Running away from home...

RETREAT!!  (happy dance, happy dance, happy dance!)  Why do we have to pack up half of our sewing room and run away from home to enjoy hours of guilt free quilting time?!?  (None of the above stuff contains clothes or toiletries...almost forgot to pack them!)  I did not take a sewing room!

Before I left for retreat, I tasked myself with getting my main floor bedroom sewing area organized.

I have no room in my downstairs quilt cave for my quilt books, so I keep them in the bedroom.  It is very convenient.

A homemade beautiful doll from Ola and an art glass piece from another dear friend.  I also have an embroidery piece from Mary in my downstairs sewing room.  Memories of my Michigan home...sigh.

I keep my Featherweight upstairs for mending, whatever THAT is.  This is a custom sewing cabinet that Steve's grandfather made...I just LOVE it!  It used to hold an old Necci machine.

There is an exercise machine...also known as a clothes tree.  I am trying to make myself use it a little when I am sitting for a long period of time.  I can't help but see it as I work.  Getting on this beast is is the hardest of all the life changes for me...

I have decided to do my doodling, drafting and applique piece-prepping upstairs, along with my stitching.  My computer is also in the bedroom.

Look at this lovely framed picture given to me at the recent Huntsville quilt show!  It was hanging where my quilt was originally hanging, I think.  Then they gave it to me...what a lovely memento!

So, since I was a good girl and got my sewing area organized...I left for retreat!  Yahoo!  Off to the Red Rooster Inn, just west of Cullman, Alabama.  

Sue organized the retreat (below, on the right).  Thank you, Sue!

We were a jolly party of fifteen industrious quilters from all over the southeast and Ohio.  I slept down this long hall, just past the dining room, and to the left.  There were more bedrooms upstairs.  I think this place will sleep up to twenty-four with plenty of bathrooms.  We were all very cozy and well fed from Wednesday to Sunday.

If I had not been so eager to work, I would have gone around the whole place and counted all the roosters and, quilts, knick knacks, sculptures of various composition, salt and pepper shakers, WOW!

In the following picture, we are just the last few that had a hard time leaving on Sunday morning...

There was a great balcony for show and tell finishes.  They eventually stretched across the entire area!  I totally missed getting a picture of all of them, together.  It was quite impressive.  Here are Marge and Kim holding Marge's beautiful completed top.

The place was lovely...I spent almost every morning after breakfast stitching on this elevated porch, rain or shine.  Smith Lake is at the bottom of the hill.  I spent a lot of time water skiing on that lake when I was in high school, eons ago...

Steve was away near Philadelphia, visiting his dad for a couple of weeks, so it was nice to have somewhere to go myself!  I will share what I worked on next post.

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. I've heard of Red Rooster but these are the first pictures I've seen. Looks like a very restful place to retreat to.

  2. Sounds like you had a great time. Good you needed it.

  3. sounds like you took enough stuff with you to work on for a couple days LOL - more than enough. I bet you stayed busy. I have never gone on a retreat - must have been fun. Some work out machine you have there! I think I tend to prefer walking - I try out some machines sometimes but never buy them any more like you say-they become good clothes hangers

  4. You tidied up beautifully and earned your ticket to retreat. Packing for retreat- yes, it does feel as if you are taking your entire sewing room with you. Every time I go, I ask myself why I'm doing this! Then I get to retreat and I remember. We get so much sewing done, and the inspiration from others who share a love of quilting is very restorative. The Inn looks lovely and the room so large and well-lit.

  5. What a gorgeous place to retreat!
    Your home set up is beautiful too! Well, except for that torture device (otherwise known as a clothes horse... LOL!) Maybe it needs to face a design wall so you could be working on a quilt layout while you exercise?

  6. It was so good seeing you and your fabulous work again. Next year can't get here soon enough! Ellen from Ohio

  7. I have one of those white/celery colored Featherweight machines. A joy to have.
    The location for the retreat looks beautiful. What a relaxing but busy time you must have had.

  8. Sounds like Wednesday to Sunday is the perfect retreat. I do one that is Friday early morn. to Sunday late afternoon. Great fun. Love your home photos.

  9. It's my dream to go there some day. Glad you got there!


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