
Saturday, October 28, 2017

Heritage Quilters of Huntsville Quilt Show - Part 3 of 3

Here is the last installment of the Heritage Quilters of Huntsville Quilt Show.  There were a few I either missed or the pictures were so blurry I could not post them.

Blue ribbon - First Place
Red ribbon - Second Place
Yellow ribbon - Third Place
White ribbon - Honorable Mention

Grab a cup of coffee/tea and enjoy the last of the beautiful eye candy!

The following quilt won "Best Machine Quilting, Stationary Machine" in addition to a First Place ribbon in its category.

Now...go take all this inspiration and start sewing!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. More amazing quilts!! There are so many I want to make now!! Thanks for sharing all these beautiful quilts!

  2. Thanks again for the virtual tour of the quilt show. Amazing quilts and lots of creative inspiration.

  3. Thanks for sharing so many photos. It's great to have a record of the show.

  4. WOW! So much goodness here. (And thanks for all the name cards!) I love seeing how people put colors together and the quilting they use.

  5. I love seeing what others put in a quilt show. Your quilts are just outstanding. As a quilter, I think the Viewer's Choice would really be the one that made me smile. My daughter lived in Huntsville for a few years. We never knew there was a quilt show there. Congratulations on your ribbons!

  6. So many wonderful quilts!! Thanks for sharing the show with us.


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