
Friday, October 30, 2015

Promise fulfilled...

FINALLY after way too many delays, I will be sending out the free setting/finishing pattern to everyone that ordered 16 or more of my "Baltimore Rhapsody" Applique patterns.  All I have to do is copy some over-sized sheets tomorrow, fold and stuff them in the already folded and collated directions.  Out they will fly no later than Saturday morning.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!  The last 18 months of my life have been very difficult, but there may be light at the end of the tunnel (I hope it is not a train).

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. I saw your beautiful quilt yesterday at the Houston International Quilt Festival. It is displayed well and a nice write up about your quilt. Several people were talking around your quilt but one comment I heard was, "Look at that peacock on the tuba."

    I am amazed at the detail of each instrument especially the clarinet. And that detail in the border! I didn't take a picture. I think your quilt was in a photo approved area, but many quilts were not and the photo police were out and about in numbers.

    I wanted to tell everyone I watched that quilt being have such talent!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Teresa,
    Saw your lovely quilt at Houston yesterday. It was beautifully done and looked great. Hugs to you and job well done!
    Bobbie Ashley

  4. I am in total awe every time I see your quilt in person. I saw it in Houston and was so excited. The detail, especially on the flute, oboe, and clarinet is amazing. Thanks for giving us such a beautiful quilt.

  5. I too saw your beautiful quilt hanging at the Houston show. It was in a good spot with good lighting. I took a picture of the quilt and the explanation card and if you want me to send it to you via email, I will try. I listened to comments surrounding it and spoke up that I followed you and the making of this quilt on your blog. I felt like I was an old friend of yours.


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