
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blue Skies and Quilty Stuff...

There is some progress!  For everyone who bought 16 or more of my Baltimore Rhapsody patterns and are awaiting their free finishing pattern, I am SO CLOSE!  It's all done but some pattern tracing!

The good news?  Today I found the moving box containing my light box!!!!  (lots of cheering...)  The bad news?  The electrical power cord was not in the same box!!  (much hair pulling and profanity...)

I'm sure I will find the right box tomorrow...

After I have fulfilled my promise and sent out the freebies, I will have them for sale on my store site in case you want to use the elements to design a border for a quilt incorporating less than 16 of my blocks.  

There are at least 2 people that have already appliqued all 16 of their music blocks, and they are chomping at the bit for me to finish!  Drawing is a little slow with my still-gimpy finger, but I guess that situation is progressing as well, although slower than I would have hoped.

My policy of getting the house mostly moved into before the quilty stuff was touched ended today.

I started moving fabric and quilty stuff this afternoon.

I need my quilty stuff...

This summer, we unloaded two huge moving PODS about 150 feet from the house in a fairly tight RV garage.  A few days ago, I realized that the RV garage is not as "tight" as I had hoped.  There are little scorpions in there!  Son of a BITCH!

I turn over and scrutinize EVERY box and container as I pick it up!  I have killed 6 of them, IMMEDIATELY UPON SPOTTING THEM!!!  Then I thought, "oh...I should post about them...and I will once I am comfortable enough to snap a picture before doing the "Mexican Hat Dance" on their ass!  They aren't very photogenic squished into the sole of my sneaker...

Anyway, I take boxes to the house in this little Kuboto truck, which I finally cleaned out (full of leaves, tools, and going-to-the-woods-to-cut-firewood crap).  My Dad made the little red, wooden wagon back extension, so I can load quite a few boxes and containers each trip.  Then I pull around to the back of the house where there is a door into the walk-out basement.  There is just enough space to get the little truck between the pool and the back patio.

The weather is totally cooperating...dry and blue skies...too dry, really...there is a little mini drought going on in west Alabama, so the leaves aren't very colorful this year.

I went into my Mom's glass workshop today for the first time in months to figure out how to make it into a "quilt cave" in addition to keeping part of it a "shard shop."  It was hard to go in, as everything is as it was at the time of the accident...water bottle and pack of gum included.  

I keep thinking this "moving-into-their-house" thing will get easier, but it doesn't.  I did get through Dad's clothes last weekend...

There is a glass work-in-progress on her glass layout table...the over-the-door-transom for the main entrance.  I intend to learn how to do this at some point and finish this piece, and a few others for the house that she had already designed.

I will need to clean deeply, as it was a "shop" where glass and some wood was cut.  I will put some carpet down in part of it and try and consolidate the glass on one end of the room.

There is a door to the outside, which will help get some of these fixtures out and quilt book shelves, etc. in when I have it cleaned up and ready to receive stuff.  This door has no knob on the outside, so it is a secure door.

My dad put nice plywood on the walls and stained/varnished it lightly.  I think I can clean and use the huge light table Dad built (it is, I think, 48 inches square!

I will take the glass samples off the wall and store them in containers.

The room is well lit with multiple fluorescent lights, and Dad put plugs EVERYWHERE!

Dad built the large plywood storage containers with wheels for the larger pieces of glass and they will fit under the big layout table, when I figure out where to put that.

There is a sink and some cabinets on the outer wall...

There is a raised edge around the layout table dad built, so I may just cover the top of the table with heavy plywood and store the work-in-progress inside until I can cope with trying to learn how to finish it.  I can use my rotary mat on it or something.

There is a large outdoor window...

Here are 3 of her finished windows from other parts of the house...

The huge family room is just through the door and Dad's wood-working shop is on the other end of the house, along with a bar, TV area, pool table, ping pong table, wood burning stove, and two more bedrooms.  These boxes are just dent in the RV shed...SO many more to move...

I feel bad dismantling, or at least moving in with, the glass.  I know it is what she would have wanted, but still.  If their spirits are here part of the time, I am sure they are spending time in their shops...the security motion sensor in Dad's shop keep disabling the security system, so I am sure he is rooting around in there a bit...

If you are going to Houston, remember to look for my "Baltimore Rhapsody - Symphony" quilt.  It will be hanging in the "Quilts in the American Tradition" Exhibit."

I'm considering a road trip to see's certainly no farther than Michigan is from here...

I have not been to the International Quilt Show in Houston since 1995...

Teresa   :o)


  1. I'm sure your mom would understand moving the glass - I used to work with glass before quilts and it is not for everyone. She sure had a lot of it. your idea of storing it and moving in to make it your new quilt cave sounds like a good idea - you need after all to make this your place now with all the memories of them still there - you have been taking your time and I bet you are ready to start making this your place too - good luck - and for those scorpions watch out - if they are there there might be other critters as well - watch out for snakes and spiders - I'd put some bug bombs in there before you do much more - but then that is me.

  2. Of course you need your quilty stuff!!! That looks like it will make a great quilt room - less like a cave with a window in it :0) Her stained glass windows are gorgeous! I love the cardinal :0)

  3. I think that is a terrific idea to use a plywood top over the glass layout table. You could use part of it as a cutting board, and set up the other part as a large ironing table. You could hang curtains in front to disguise the glass holders. Your mom did beautiful work, and she would be honoured that you are sharing her space.

  4. I think they are happy you are using their creative space - baby steps. Would love to see a photo of you with your quilt in Houston.

  5. Your mother's work is beautiful; thank you for showing it. Her workshop reminds me of yours . . . the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

  6. Teresa, I'm sure you are getting a lot of advice about how to do all of this. What I found, in sorting through my parent's possessions when they died rather close to each other, was that my own pace was the best for me. Maybe not the best by the book, but that I knew when I needed to step back, take a break, and if I didn't listen to that feeling and pressed on because I thought I "should", it was never a better idea. It seems as if you are already making good progress and finding a way to both settle in while not feeling as if you are in any way pushing old memories aside.

    Your mother's glasswork would make beautiful applique or even pieced quilting patterns. She must have found such joy in seeing your work. And when I saw all of those little glass samples of your dad's, I thought there must be a modern quilt in there somewhere. :)

  7. You are doing a difficult job very well! Your mother's stained glass is magnificent, just stunning!! The piece she was working on is going to be fantastic when you finish it!! I'm sure you will be having lots of company when you are working in your new studio - so much creative energy there already!

  8. The glass panels are wonderful. Delightful to have these. The glass trolleys are amazing. Not easy to store glass like it is easy to store fabric.

  9. The stained glass pieces are beautiful--what a treasure! I'll take photos if your quilt if you don't make it here.

  10. I can't imagine how painful it was for you to go into that studio the first time. I hope things will go easier once you begin making it your own. I know your parents would be proud of you for taking on this monumental task. Take time to breathe and anjoy the day.

  11. Do you know about Vicki Welsh at Field Trips in Fibers and her glass? If not, you may want to check out her work (she keeps spreadsheets and tracks all sorts of details as she works - which I think might be just up your alley). She also does mosaic work (on the wall in her downstairs studio near her longarm machine in particular). Glad you are getting the boxes into the house and away from those scorpions!

  12. Oh, I'n so happy to see that you're moving into your quilt studio. Your mom is happy to share it with you, you know. You honor her by doing so. Hope the hand continues to heal.

  13. I am very glad you are planning to use your Mom's glass space. But, I would think very hard about trying to finish up her work. Glass work is very difficult to learn and do (ask my how I know) and the learning might take away from your real interest in applique and quilting. It might be better to have a glass artist finish your mom's plan, and pay the artist in glass! Your Mom's stash is magnificent. Just a thought.....arden

  14. I agree, your Mom would be so proud to share her work space with you. Hope you make it to Houston.

  15. I do not envy you your moving in work, but I know your mom and dad would be happy that you will be creating beauty in there as well as they did. Your mother's stained glass pieces are just beautiful. She was so talented. I am going to Houston and will look for your quilt and you too. If you still have my cell # give me a call if you get there. I will be there Thurs - Sat (I think since I'm at the mercy of others and when they decide to leave, I have to go too). Dar in St. Louis

  16. I wonder if you have the same kind of scorpions that we have in Florida. Not poisonous but what a stinger. I woke up one night smacking my abdomen. I felt a sting twice. Got up and turned on the bathroom light and lifted my nightgown. A scorpion! Yikes! Twice I reached in a bag of yarn and got stung.

  17. Teresa, you are making progress. Getting a good start is half the battle. I agree with Bella Pink's thought on your Mom's glass. Stick with your true love and practicing fabric therapy. It is fortunate that you have some completed glass works in the home. The studio with natural light will be awesome for sewing. A pleasant thought...a road trip to Houston.

  18. Scorpions!? YUCK!!!! I hate spiders and bugs - can't imagine dealing with scorpions! Your house looks beautiful and your sewing room is going to be amazing. I love how your mom has everything organized - the storage for the glass is wonderful - and how organized she was with all of those samples on the wall. Love it! I'm going to send a link to my mom - she owns a stained glass shop and I know she will love seeing your space. I've been meaning to tell you - I saw your Miss Emilie's Garden at the Des Moines show - it is even more wonderful in person!

  19. Hi Teresa, I saw your quilt at the Festival last night, Oct. 28, 2015. It is so beautiful in person. The fabrics, stitching, quilting was just perfect.

  20. What wonderful comments. I read your blog but am a quiet one. :-) Your whole story is sad, but good that you made the move to carry on for your parents. Like the new quilt movement, slow and steady and you will know what to do next. Best Wishes


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