
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Six Belles - ready for spring...and sashing!

Well, the Belles are all finished and ready for some interesting sashing.  Hold on gals, the sashing is in progress!

They are all stitched on the same Moda Bella white background, but you wouldn't know it from my quilt cave photography.

The blocks have been trimmed to 8.5 x 8.5 inches in anticipation of my sashing pieces, which will be appliqued and finish to 3 x 8 inches.  I have 5 of 17 sashing pieces appliqued, so it won't be long.

I spent 2 hours shoveling new snow from Winter Storm Vulcan...time I could have spent stitching, grumble-grumble.  I'm not sure how much Steve shoveled before trying to get to work, but I just shoveled a good 6 inches, much more in the drifted areas. 

Now the sun is out and the wind is whipping through the neighborhood.  We'll probably be shoveling some of this AGAIN when the wind dies down (it's bad enough the first time...).

Stay warm!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. These are so pretty. We were to get the now this time, but it was just a dusting. I need to get back to the applique I have started. Chris

  2. These are just too pretty and I can't wait to see what you do with the sashing. We are having a mix of rain/sleet which should turn over to snow as soon as the temps lower. We shall see what the morning brings.

  3. I love the faces and finger detail. It adds so much to the feeling of the quilt. Keep the inspiration coming!!!

  4. Beautiful job on your appliqué! Love it!

  5. Lovely ladies. Ugh to the snow, here in Flint, we got about 6-7" today. However I got a snow day and was able to do a bit of applique.

  6. Your ladies and blooms are beautiful. Sure hope Spring is close around the corner.

  7. Oh, so pretty and very springlike. I like your Vulcan name for the storm. It's swirling around the house as I type with much accumulation outside. This time last year I had snowdrops poking their heads through the melted patches, but this year it's still the dead of winter. Good thing there's lots to look at on the web!

  8. Very beautiful and a breath of fresh spring air!
    Will we ever see the real flowers again?!?! LOL
    I'm shoveling today too!

  9. Lovely, lovely ladies! And springtime flowers! I need those now!

  10. Your ladies are gorgeous, can't wait to see what you do with them.

  11. I love your colors and attention to detail. It just blows my mind and makes me happy happy to see, I find it so interesting how the everyday craft of quilting has become so many different types and styles of art.

  12. I have enjoyed seeing your flowers and belles as they came along...sorry about another round of snow! Here we had mostly rain from Vulcan...and mud. Could use a nice long dry out at some point this season...nothing but precip almost every day since mid november!

  13. The Belles are lovely. Your fabric choices are so perfect. I forgot to comment on it but your Tutorial was great. I am going to give it a try and NOT get discouraged, give myself some practice time. Thank you.


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