
Monday, December 30, 2013

Staring at my tree...some more...

More ornaments as I sit in a dark room and listen to carols...

I went through a pompom phase about 20 years ago while making ornaments...

I love the ones my daughter made, especially the ones with pictures of her on them...

I made these yoyo trees last year...

I bought these 3 gingerbread guys and gals from Etsy a couple of years ago...I love how twisted they are!

I made this one for my daughter...I have strung tiny letter beads on the back that spells her name...

One of my little egg chicks actually on the tree...

Another Riley original...

One of the first ornaments I made...

Again, pompoms...I even made the little stick xylophone...

Another one Riley made at school...

Back when I used to cross-stitch...


Mary Jones' beautiful Redwork...

 Snowman made from wooden beads and a wooden tiny spool...

More of my pompom creations...I made these in 1986!  I loved gluing stuff to plastic candy canes...I called these "William Tell bears" because of the tiny apple on his head.  He is holding a tiny book.

Another blast from my glue-gunning past...

Mary Jones does the nicest stitching/embroidering...

I hope you are enjoying your holidays!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Love homemade ornaments - those gingerbreadmen are just a hoot!

  2. how cute and so many memories - just think you will decorate the tree 20 years from now and as you decorated you are remembering each piece and when you got it

  3. What a treasure trove of memories! I love handmade ornaments. Happy New Year!!

  4. I love home made ornaments. You have a great collection:)

  5. These are all great. I have lots of handmade ornaments on my tree too. This is a great idea to capture each of them for the future.

  6. Just came upon your blog, what a beautiful quilt in your header. Lovely blog!

  7. Just found your blog too! Thanks for sharing your wonderful and twisted ornaments! I have signed up to follow you. - Debra

  8. What beautiful ornaments and happy memories each one holds. Happy New Year!

  9. I enjoyed seeing all your tree ornaments, Teresa. What caught my eye, was your cat snuggled in the hoop on that Beautiful Pineapple quilt. I plan to do one of those soon, they always look fabulous.


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