
Friday, December 27, 2013

Staring at my tree...

 Ola Rosselot made this beauty, along with the next 2 snowmen...

Sandy Morgan made this pineapple is TINY!

 I made this reindeer 100 years least...

I also made the next 4...

Barb Flynn made cinnamon "cookies" for everyone in my family...

When I worked in the research lab, a good friend Chen and his family made these beautiful origami lucky ball ornaments...

Cheryl Grajewski made the woven heart...

Chris Jones made Frosty...

I made the chicks a couple of years ago from egg shells and pompoms...

I made these up several years ago...I call them "Alabama reindeer" - they are made from raw peanuts...

Jo Watson made me a Weasley ornament...

Marilyn Agin made this crocheted snowman...

I am honored to have one of Ellen Taylor's whimsical Santa's (with a blown egg for a head)...

And Judy Endres made the next two...

Then a couple from Margit McPhee...

Marilyn Lange made the cardinal...

MaryLiz made the folded ball...

I made the next five...

My tree is very eclectic, which I LOVE...lots of variety and lots of homemade by me or by friends.  I love to just sit and stare...

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. I much prefer homemade ornaments - whether self made or gifted. My tree only has handmade as well as my daughter carries that tradition.

  2. Hand made ornaments tell such a wonderful story.

  3. Thanks for sharing a trip down memory lane. They are the best!

  4. What a delight seeing all the hand made ornaments. Memories with each one whether you made it or someone else.

  5. What glorious ornaments!! And lucky you to have them all on your tree.

  6. You have some beautiful decorations.

  7. How wonderful to look at your tree and see all that love. That is what makes Christmas so special - the love! Hope you had a really good one.

  8. Very cute ornaments. I recognize one of your friends, but I would never have guessed she made an ornament. You learn something every day. Thanks for sharing.

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  10. Theresa I am amazed at your cool ornaments and so many memories for you of those that love you enough to make a handmade gift! Lovely! thanks for sharing with us :)


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