
Monday, August 12, 2013

The "CONTENTMENT" Quilt - Block 1, when we met

This is Block 1 of a new project called "CONTENTMENT," which will be a story quilt.  I've been reading about historical quilts that tell stories, especially "The Reconciliation Quilt."  I wanted to create a story quilt in the old style that would celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary this fall.  I also want to make an anniversary quilt for my parents in a similar style.

I've also been thinking about "contentment" this summer...and how most of us could be happy, if we really wanted to be.  When blessings are counted, gratitude given, and it all boils down, the only thing I really need more of is time to sew/design and spend with family and friends.  I thought that designing blocks celebrating life would be a great way to think about it.  I also liked the idea of recording some of the family history, some of our history.

This block commemorates the day we met in Ann Arbor, Michigan and will finish 10 inches square.  I wanted a large wall quilt, so I thought the 10-inch block size would be good.  If I publish these, I think I will offer 10-inch and 12-inch blocks...some elements in the 10-inch block are a little small!  I may prep another one to finish 12 inches square as well...but keep the letters the same size...

I have glue prepped a couple of blocks, but I want to think more about the appliqued letters before stitching them down.  I really don't want to embroider wordy details into blocks, and I am enchanted by these chunky letters.  We'll see.  I want to prep a few, then put them together and just see if the letters make things too busy.  I've got 6 or so blocks drafted and ready to play with.

I have been in and out of town multiple times this summer.  My daughter starts 11th grade this week, so WE WILL BE HOME FOR A WHILE...maybe I can get some things DONE!  (Although, I am going across the state a couple of days later this week to go to the AQS Grand Rapids show and lurk around my quilt entry...just like I am hiding behind it here, before mailing it off to Paducah last month...)

Thank you to everyone who has placed an order for "BALTIMORE RHAPSODY" music quilt blocks!  (You can visit by 'clicking' on the picture collage of musical instruments under the right side of my tool bar).  

My new scanner is set up, so I can start preparing the blocks for 'digital download,' which will make them more easily available internationally.  The scanner will also help me finish the setting/border/finishing pattern for the 16-block quilt!

And then there is still a bit more hand quilting to do on the actual music quilt...never a dull moment around here!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. You are so right, never a dull moment in your household. I am amazed at how much you accomplish on your quilty things with a teen at home. I think your Contentment quilt is a great idea. Will watch with anticipation as you create each block.

  2. I love the idea of a story quilt. You are so creative, I am amazed at everything you accomplish. We just need more hours in each day. Looking forward to watching your story unfold into another beautiful quilt!

  3. I find that each of your quilts are a story quilt. You have put so much of yourself into the fabric and color choice, placement, design, etc.... And you share it with us while telling your story of it all.

  4. Your work is lovely-and I agree about being content with our blessings.

  5. You have a special gift for designing quilts and the block is wonderful. I can't wait for the story to unfold.

  6. I look forward to seeing your progress on this new quilt. Love the coneflowers.


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