
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Block 4 - the aristocratic instrument

Block 4 of "Baltimore Rhapsody" is the trumpet block.  One of my favorite things about quilting is that block elements don't have to follow the rules of scale...a giant trumpet looks perfectly appropriate towering above little pumpkins...pumpkins that would normally squash, or at least SERIOUSLY damage, a trumpet if dropped on it.  I based this block on one of the original blocks I drafted for my Civil War Bride Quilt.

This block is a little more "folk art" looking than some of the typical, more elegant Baltimore album blocks.  I love making pumpkins and anything that reminds me of fall, my favorite season!  It's nice to take a break from the typical fruits and flowers and do something a little unexpected.

The trumpet is the soprano member of the brass family.  People who don't play brass instruments wonder at all the loops, twists and turns in the instrument's tubing.  Before 1500, trumpets were straight and as long as 7 feet long...that would be a little awkward for the player, don't you think?  All those loops make the instruments more practical and easier to handle (just wait 'til we get to the TUBA!).

An ancient relative of the trumpet, made from a ram's horn, was believed to have brought down the walls of Jericho by Joshua.  In the middle ages, only noblemen employed a trumpet player...maybe to announce his entrance in a room.  Trumpets were later used in battle by the military to announce a charge and scare the pants off the enemy.  Remember the Imperial Margarine commercial with the fanfare and the crown that appeared after a bite was taken of the buttered bread?  Yep, that was a trumpet.

Now trumpets are used in orchestral, band, and jazz music.

I posted about making the sunflower in a "sneak peek" here.  To find out the back story about "Baltimore Rhapsody," check here.

My husband is almost through with the web site, and patterns are being prepared to put there.  I am so excited about this project!  I just want to be drawing, prepping and stitching all the time!  Too bad that there are meals to make, laundry to do, etc.

I now have a "Follow By Email" button above Weasley's picture at the top of my blog on the right side (thanks for suggesting it, Janice!).  If I did this right, you can sign up to receive email notices of new posts.  Let me know if it works...I'm not very good at this blogging thing!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o) 


  1. Another great block. Halfway expected to see a trumpet vine on this one, but it is wonderful just as it is. I'm so enjoying following your symphony of blocks.

  2. Yes, another great block! I was thinking trumpet vines, too - but love this.

  3. I love this as one of my sons played trumpet in band and marching band and seeing this brought back many happy memories of those days. Unfortunately he lost his upper 4 front teeth in a serious car accident and while he did finally get implants, he figures his trumpet playing days are over. I may just have to make this one!

  4. I saw a picture of the whole quilt you are making. A beauty. And you certainly are doing a good job. I learned to play a trumpet when I was in grade school. I really wanted to play a clarinet (which I never got to do), so the trumpet playing did not last long.

  5. Gorgeous block!! The whole quilt will be stunning!

  6. I must show this to my husband as he is a Trumpet player.Really beautiful!!!

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  8. What a fun block, love that sunflower and hey fall is my favorite season too!
    I am loving what your doing with the blocks

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  10. Love this block...I played the French Horn and always envious of how easy it was for the trumpet players to carry their cases!

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  12. Another beautiful block. I like pumpkins, too.

  13. I love the trumpet on this one. It's so beautiful.

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  15. great job. the pumpkins are great with the trumpet.

  16. I think you did a great job on the design. Particularly like the corn stalk--that's really cool. My daughter played trumpet when she was in school. She's gone but twenty something years later, the trumpet is still here as a reminder, ha, ha.


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  18. Your blocks are just gorgeous. Love your applique'.

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