
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Block 3 - bowing to Baltimore tradition...

I couldn't do a Baltimore Album influenced musical quilt without the most commonly seen musical instrument in antique Baltimore blocks - the lyre.  Harps and simple horns are sometimes seen as well.  I figured that the simplicity of the lyre would balance the complexity of other instruments.

The lyre was an ancient stringed instrument that had 3 to 12 strings, a simple way to tighten the strings to change pitch, and was commonly strummed with the hand.  Evidence of lyres dates back to ancient Sumaria, dating from 3000 B.C. (it is thought that King David played a form of lyre called a kinnor, as mentioned in the Bible).

Glue basting the petals of the country rose together, working off block.

The lyre was most popular in ancient Greece and appears in Greek Mythology where it was believed to be invented by Apollo.  A son of Zeus apparently played the lyre and the sound conjured huge heavy stones to move into place while the walls were built around the city of Thebes.
Gee...maybe if I had one of those, I could practice and at the same time conjure my housework to be done...  

Prepping the bases of the rosebuds.

I would guess that women chose the lyre for their blocks because the Greek myths were commonly known, it represented music and knowledge of the classics, and it was easy to draw.  

Referencing the pattern through the background, the stems, leaves, and buds are glue basted into place.

I chose to draw a large one and keep it simple by only depicting 3 strings.  I'm sure ancient man was blowing and beating on other things, making crude music or at least a beat to dance to, but I included a lyre as sort of the "mother" of later instruments.  

All the laurel branch pieces are placed and glue basted before the lyre and large rose are positioned.

Click here to see how I constructed the country rose, placed at the base of the lyre, crowning the laurel wreath.


  1. Beautiful as always. The designing alone is way over the top. I can see you are enjoying this journey. Chris

  2. Oh, Teresa - just lovely! I can't wait for the release of this pattern, I will be first in line.

  3. I am loving this quilt, wow! my dd would love this quilt as music is a big part of her life.
    of course I hope you include a flute!
    will keep watching, I am so impressed!

  4. Teresa. These are just great. You are going to be famous among quilters -- for more than just your stash!!!!


  5. What fun to follow your musical journey. Your blocks are fabulous.

  6. Can you somehow duplicate that applique skill you have and install it in me?????? Love your work, girlfriend.

  7. Very graceful and beautiful. I can hardly wait for the block patterns to become available. Well done!!

  8. That is gorgeous. I remember your posting when you did the rose. I really have to sit down and get where I can do decent applique. Perhaps it's time to pull that shabby chic baby quilt out to learn on.

  9. And another beautiful block; I just LOVE that rose, too....Julierose

  10. This is going to be a gorgeous quilt. The blocks are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

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  12. Wow! Another beautiful block. This is going to be an awesome quilt.

  13. This block - especially the rose (like the other blocks) is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love your creativity and the little musical history lesson.

  14. it just keeps getting better and better! BEEEautiful!

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