
Monday, July 25, 2011

A winner! I'm back from the wilderness...

Hello!  I am back from our yearly camping trip in the Canadian 1000 Islands.  It was good to come back to electricity, the Internet, a real bed, running water, and so many lovely comments/opinions about Moda favorites.  I wish I had a little Moda goodie from your favorite designer for all of you!

Congratulations to Kira of the Stick and Stones blog!  Send me a return email with your address and I will send you the lovely hinged Moda tin containing the beautiful Moda candy bar pre-cuts.  Thanks to everyone who posted a comment and also to Moda Mark for supplying the fabulous give-away!  (See how much everyone loves Moda?  You need to give me something else to offer as a give-away...hint hint!!)

Although it was a busy week, working and vacationing with Steve's family on the noble St. Lawrence, I did manage to open my magic box a few times and hand applique another 14 basket blocks.  Slowly but surely the pile of finished ones is growing!

When I unpacked and opened the magic box this morning to quickly take a picture of the finished blocks, a stow-away spider crawled lazily out of the box.  I was too freaked out to take a picture and I quickly put the camera down to dispatch the critter.  I tolerate being surrounded by bugs in the wilderness, but don't want them in the house!  I was on a wooded peninsula on the river for 10 days...I'm surprised that was the only thing that looked up at me as I removed the box lid.

Needless to say, I wash laundry and bedding IMMEDIATELY upon getting home, no matter how tired I am or how late we arrive home.   :o)

When the whole extended family is at Grass Creek, we stay in our tent, but don't feel sorry for us that we aren't in one of the cabins...look how cozy with crude beds moved in and made up with old quilts from home...

(It's a little fuzzy photographing through the mosquito netting...which is, unfortunately, necessary at night...I brought a few itchy bites home with me...)  And yes...that is a bathmat by the tent floor...I like camping with a few nutty creature comforts...

This is our view from the tent door.  Just across the path and through a few trees, the St. Lawrence River sparkles in the sun.  When sitting at the big table on the Main House porch, this is my view as I stitch my basket blocks.  Ahhh...just sewing and watching the boats go by...paradise!

Down by the boat dock...the water is so beautiful and inviting.

It was so peaceful when Riley and her cousins, aunts, uncles, father, and grandparents were off swimming, boating, exploring, or napping.  It was nice to have stolen moments away from the cooking and group responsibilities to sew and listen to the water and wildlife.  I managed to lose another 5 pounds, despite all the fabulous group meals we prepared together while there.  The total is now over 50...woo hoo!!  This was (hopefully) the last summer for the "Hindenburg" style fat bathing suit!

Just before we left for Canada, we went to the midnight show of the last Harry Potter movie.  Riley and her best friend were all decked out in their Hogwart's finest and the needed 3-D glasses.  Bring it on, Lord Voldemort!

Summer is winding down for us...I feel like I have not been home at all!  Time to hunker down and get some things done!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. What a beautiful location! And congrats on hitting 50...pounds that is!

  2. Congratulations to the winner of the give away. Wow, tenting with style! That I could do. And hats of to you - 50, so super.

  3. Now that is my style of camping...the fun of a tent and beautiful scenery...but a real bed and quilts to boot! Love it.

  4. I LOVE that you bring quilts with you camping!! That's a fantastic idea! We always use boring old sleeping bags. Your little baskets are so lovely. It looks like a beautiful place!

  5. I used to go tent camping years ago and never had a bed but a sleeping bag - your way looks way more comfy!!

  6. Love your camping set up! Growing up, my mom thought camping was fun and my dad was a good sport - I'm sure we camped in every state and national camp ground on the Washington and Oregon coast, and a few up into Canada, too. We ALWAYS had a bath mat inside and outside the front "door" of the tent. But it wasn't a fancy store-bought rug, usually it was one of mom's crocheted creations or several old towels stitched together in a thick stack. Memories, memories!

  7. I was a First Class Girl Scout and so I LOVE LOVE to go camping and I LOVE lakes, especially if I can fish!! Glad you made it home all in one piece! What better place to do a little hand applique than in the sun shiney great outdoors!!

    Ok, I think I missed it somewhere, but what are you doing to lose your weight, I've been meaning to ask! That is just fabulous and it would be even MORE fabulous if 'I' would lose 50 too!!

  8. I love your camping set up,it`s beautiful!!

    Congrats in your lost pounds,that`s great.

  9. Congrats on losing the 50! Woohoo for new swimsuits! And your style of camping looks great! Wish we had those beds when we used to camp with the kids.....just the ground with a sleeping bag....oy! But it was fun, and peaceful!

  10. Oh, I could do that kind of tent camping!! Getting up and down from the floor just isn't possible any more with the knees and a "tad" extra weight. We're so spoiled, though, with out RV. It's not really camping though, but its mighty nice. Congrats on the weight loss. How'd you do it?

  11. Your camping view looks so peaceful. Congrats on the weight loss too!

  12. Looks like a great camping trip - the best of both worlds - camping in comfort. Looks like a perfect spot to do some handsewing, too.

  13. I love those quilts on the beds in the tent. Looks like a fun, relaxing place to spend some time.

  14. I hate the idea of camping but your way with real beds looks ok! Glad you had a great holiday and congrats on the 50 pounds loss too

  15. Congrats to the winner...lucky girl :) I really like your camping setup with the quilts...they look so cosy and comfy. Congrats on the weight loss too :) Well done! hugs Vicki

  16. Love your tent pictures, I might camp if I had beds like that, actually I am a Holiday Inn girl from the word go. Congrats of the 50 lbs what an accomplishment!

  17. Totally jealous of everything except the spider!!! LOL Every trip we take includes some quilts. It just isn't comfortable without them, is it!? Congrats to the winner and loser (you and your lbs -- just double of what I've managed to lose this year, thank you very much :-D)! And while you may have been raised by wolves, they clearly taught you how to live well in the wilderness! :-D Glad you are home and can FINALLY accomplish something worthwhile! LOL
    Mary Lou

  18. Congrats to the winner! What a lovely place to camp. So serene and peaceful. Way to go with the weight loss. That's fantastic!

  19. I can't believe it! You did write my name, right? I think I'm going to cry. Thank you so much.

  20. Wow that is a wonderful set up you have for camping, much lovelier than in a cabin. Sure beats the tiny tent we used EVERY weekend when the kids were growing up :0)


  21. My idea of camping is sleeping on the couch, but your tent complete with quilts on the beds looks mighty tempting! It looks like a beautiful place to quilt away from home.

  22. Beautiful photos. I'm sure you enjoyed so much on your vacation.

    Lisa from Learn Bass Guitar Online

  23. Welcome Back! Seeing your camping post was so timely since we are headed up to the Niagara Falls area at the end of this week. I love the idea of bringing quilts for the extra blankets -- we use air mattresses and sleeping bags but the quilts would be good to have if it gets chilly.

    I was hoping to bring some hand work too. Hope I get as much done as you!

  24. Your version of tent camping looks SO much nicer than ours!

  25. Why have a sleeping bag when you can have a cosy quilt to sleep under? You have found the perfect spot to camp out and watch boats go by.

  26. Camping in style! A beautiful area for sure. Now, I'm not one for camping, but I would sleep in your tent, lovely! Excellent baskets and good for you dropping the pounds.

  27. Fabulous scenery. Love the beds! Can you tell I don't do sleeping on the ground? LOL

  28. quilts and camping - I love it!


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