
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Project dementia...leaky brain syndrome!

Oh no!!  I've done it again!  I was shuffling through my various UFO project containers and found one that totally baffles me!  There are pieces cut out and arranged on block dividers, ready to be assembled, and I have absolutely no clue as to where I was going with the scrappy blocks once they were sewn together.

I think I have C.R.S. disease...can't remember shit!  Does anyone else do that?  I like the blocks, but I think I am going to have to come up with another lay-out idea.  Maybe I will get hit on the head and the original plan will come back to me...doubtful.  I went through some of the boxes and did a little labeling...I really need to finish some of these very soon before I forget my game plan!  Ahhhh...obsessive-compulsive disorder...

I love scrap quilts!  I'll see something that inspires me to start whacking and taming the scrap bins, then just whack and whack and whack for a while while watching a good movie...ahhhh, Heaven (these are never short term projects!).  Then, of course, this long term whacking project gets put on hold and put in a container to re-visit when I have time for another whacking session.  I should have done a sketch to store with the pieces because now NOTHING is coming to quilt is materializing in the leaky cauldron that is attached to my shoulders.

Oh will be fun to do something else with the blocks...

In addition to stitching on a couple of CWBQ blocks, I've been pushing myself to finish the applique on my "Bunnies Prefer Chocolate" quilt (from Bunny Hill Designs - have you seen that Anne decided to do another free BOM this year??  Click here to see it...TOO cute!).  I still need to do some embroidery embellishment on about half the block segments, but here they all are on my design wall, all appliqued.  Yeah me!!  I really want to finish this quilt! 

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. That's a way cute bunny quilt Teresa, love it.

  2. It's a lovely Quilt! Sure you'll finish it and I will come back to admire it.

    I enjoy reading your posts...

  3. Your organization skills must be very good. I like that your storage containers match, are all labeled, and are stacked in good order. I have storage containers but a variety of styles. They would never look as good as yours do.
    The Bunny Hill quilt is wonderful!

  4. Today at Q.S., Chris showed me a redwork version of Rabbits Prefer Chocolate, called Rabbits Prefer Embroidery. She wants to enter it in the UFO thing. I don't know how that works. Maybe I should enter a few of my own UFOs.

    Ellen told us more about the Liberated Ladies today. I think I know enough to start making them now.

    Too bad you weren't feeling well enough to come today. Get better soon!


  5. Wow, love those boxes to store stuff. I usually try to keep a picture with my UFO's even if that is all I have. A reminder.
    Love you quilt. Too cute.

  6. My goodness, but you are so organized! Hope you feel better soon!!!!!

  7. Love the organized bins! BTW, if your bed quilt is in one of those bins, what's on the bed? (Wink.) I like Edyta Sitar's stuff. Makes me curious what's in there. I saw a finished Bunnies Prefer Chocolate at a LQS. Very cute.


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