
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Celebrating 2010 - the year of the stash...

Happy New Year to everyone!!  I was really ready to close the book on 2009...maybe about 5 months ago, really.

I have decided to make 2010 the "year of the stash" and I am declaring a little personal war on all my UFO's and bulging stash.  This scrappy bowtie quilt (with hand pieced blocks) above has been hand quilted except for the corners FOR OVER A YEAR!!  That is disgraceful!!  (I think it is even excuse for not finishing it!) 

I've taken the hint from others of you to post my list of things to work on for 2010.  My list, thus far, is just things off the top of my head...I need to go down to the "quilt cave" and do a thorough inventory of started items, THEN update the list.  It is really shameful, all the things that were started with such fun and enthusiasm only to be cast aside by the sexiness of a new project or new line of fabric.  So many projects, so little time.

I also need to sew more this year.  I named my blog in an appropriate fashion for me...fabric is really all the therapy I need...I just need to do it more!!  Planning with it, cutting it into shapes, petting it, sewing it, quilting it.  It really makes me feel better and brighter.  Just what is needed for the gloomy, cold gray winter months in Michigan!

And hanging out with other creative, wonderful quilting friends, either in Michigan or in quiltblogland is also a good idea for the new year.  I love all my quilting connections, no matter where they are!!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. Me, too, Theresa - I'm planning to be more productive this year - let's wait and see, lol!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. Year of the stash? Good idea. I also heard it's the year of the tiger. Good luck Teresa, the stash/tiger tamer! LOL.

  3. Have fun making that stash pile smaller.


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