
Friday, November 27, 2009

Oh, you beautiful doll...

My very best friend, Ola, is a wonderful quilter and doll-maker.  With her permission, I just have to share some of her beautiful babies with you.  As her mother before her, Ola takes great care in crafting her dolls with careful attention to every detail.

Ola made some samples for The Quilting Season quilt shop (Saline, Michigan) using some Australian patterns, but now drafts her own patterns and adds lovely little personal touches (I LOVE their hair!!).

She recently made several to sell at a local craft show, but the Michigan economy is so bad at the moment that craft vendors are not doing as well as they should.

Their feet and shoes are awesome! 

I hope everyone is enjoying a cozy Thanksgiving holiday...I know I am!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. hi,teresa,how lovely the dolls are made,i whish your friend ola much success in selling them,i think it is such a shame ,that arts have to suffer under bad times most,if you know what i mean,in stitches,susi

  2. The angels are just as sweet as can be. The shoes were the first thing I noticed. Like ballet shoes.

  3. Those are so sweet. And like you said the detail is fabulous.


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