
Monday, November 23, 2009

Off the carpet and stitched to a background...

Well, Mr. BOP if off my dirty basement carpet and properly stitched onto a piece of background fabric.  He is block #9 from the Civil War Bride Quilt, and the seventh block (of 20) that I've finished.  He is blind, as I am giving the whole subject of faces some thought before embroidering any more.  I'm not that happy with the eye I gave the peacock.  The Bird of Paradise is a fantasy bird, and apparently lives in an oak tree with crabapples (I guess I should have made acorns instead!).  LOL

There are people who think patterns should be strictly followed, and then there are people like me who go a little "rogue" from time to time.  I followed Lurline's wonderful example of changing the body shape of this bird.  I ended up adding the berries to cover up some imperfections in my applique.  Hiding mistakes is a GREAT excuse to deviate from the pattern!!...(little giggle).

Thanksgiving is this week and Steve's parents will be here for a lovely, long visit.  I may or may not get any stitching done on my ostrich block, which is ready to stitch.  Then, I'm going to take a break from birds and get back to urns, flowers, and leaves, leaves, leaves...sigh.

Thanksgiving will just be the start to the whole insane holiday season for me.  My church music job gets REALLY busy until Christmas.  I also have a whole lot of Christmas sewing to do (finishing gifts, ornament exchange, etc.).  I hope to post some of these items as I finish.

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)

1 comment:

  1. .... and that is what makes your quilt different from all the others out there. Another lovely block!


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