
Sunday, November 12, 2017

A puzzle of pieces...

There are times when a burst of creativity happens and I quickly jump in with both feet before it fades.  Usually the burst of creativity only takes me just so far into a project before the "window of otherness" closes.  Sigh.  

I then put these partially started creations aside.  Sometimes it is just a drawing, sometimes I actually get to the freezer paper bit stage.  

If I am lucky, before the window closes, I have actually chosen fabrics and ironed the patterns to the small pieces of fabric (choosing fabrics is the most time-consuming step for me).  Then the outside world closes in again.  I usually try to get to this point before the magic fades because then I can glue prep the pieces as I have time.  No creativity needed for this step.  My OCD kicks into action.

Glue prepping is mindless at this point...I could do it in my sleep.

Sometimes it is months or even years before I get back to things.

About 8 months ago, I put a small box of one of these set-aside projects, with pattern pieces adhered, trimmed and ready to have the edges temporarily glued under, in my packed hoard pile taken to the recent retreat.  I also took a drawing of a center medallion idea I was working on about the same time.

I hoped that the picture and the pieces were for the same project, LOL!  I really did not have time to investigate further before I left the house (because, of course, I procrastinated on what to take...).  

Off I trotted toward Cullman, fabric scraps flying from my car like the leaves that were falling off the trees.

A pile of petals, leaves and bud parts...and thankfully, they DID go together.

Then it was like working a puzzle to try and re-create what was in my head months ago.  I LOVE puzzles!

When working on something, I stupidly assume that when I try to continue with the project, I will automatically remember what I was doing.  Sadly, it does not always work that way for me, LOL!

I have started putting an index card in projects that I set aside.  The card contains as much info as I can write, to remind me what I was thinking when I was "in the zone."  Unfortunately, I did not include a card in this project.

When I remove the freezer paper as I work my puzzle, I label each motif with a tiny scrap of freezer paper, carefully ironed onto the front of the finished motif.  Maybe that will make progress easier when I pick things up again.

The flowers were the easy part of this design.  I challenged myself to design a quilt medallion like I had never seen before.  I succeeded in drawing one pretty good motif...and it has intimidated and paralyzed me ever since.  I will try and get over this hump and share that part of the puzzle soon.

In stitches, 
Teresa  :o)


  1. I do that...prep a tons of blocks and then forget what I was about in the first place!!! Every piece of your work is just so very pretty!

  2. I love these pieces and know you will make something wonderful with them.

  3. all your pieces look so pretty and I will be watching to see what the quilt will look like

  4. You inspire me to get serious about applique. If you tackled one section of the puzzle, I would bet money you get over the hump and solve the puzzle. We are all routing cheering for you.

  5. Each time I see applique parts you have glue prepped, I tell myself I have to practice doing that. It looks so neat and so ready to go. I have trouble finding the patience to practice the technique so that I would get any speed and smoothness to the curves, etc and be happy doing it. Your flowers are so pretty.

  6. Beautiful roses in the making!! I have an entire drawer of parts and pieces un-done!! I like your idea of adding a card with ideas you had when the light bulb moment hit!! Hugs, Julierose

  7. As usual you made me giggle (at the image of scraps flying out the car windows!) and inspired me to think deeply. Love the words "burst of creativity" and "window of otherness". Hmmm... I know exactly how it feels when the window opens and when it closes!

  8. I love you and love how you blog! Enjoy the leaves falling analogy as fabric was fluffing about too! <3 Have a blessed rest of your Sunday Teresa!

  9. Oh, this is going to be so pretty!! Choosing fabrics takes the longest for me, too. Looking forward to seeing what your medallion plan is!

  10. One of the consequences of having too many WIPs is choosing one to work on, but forgetting what you meant to do next. I like your idea of including a card in the project to prompt you for the next step. I admire your ability to work with such small pieces. I am all thumbs when it comes to applique.


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