
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Packing to run away from home!

I have not been to a quilting retreat since bags and projects are packed and ready to go!  Well, I have not packed my clothes and personal items yet; I mean, I've got my priorities in the right place!

This is the cool rolling toolbox I bought from Home Depot a few years ago for just such an occasion.  I hated my old, original, smelly Featherweight sewing machine case, so I found an a home improvement store.
It has 3 compartments that fasten together.  The top holds my iron, bottle of Best Press, a squirt bottle and other odds and ends.  It will be like a little clown car when I start taking everything out and start to set up my allotted space.

The second compartment is a flat tool unit...

There is still room in case I think of something else to pack, although I already feel like I am taking everything I own!

My Featherweight is nestled in the bottom...along with an Ott light, rulers, plug strip, extension cord, and other odds and ends.

For the most part, this is the pile of projects that I am taking to work on...mostly UFO's to which I am still committed.  I am also taking a Steady Betty pressing surface, a sketch pad (you never know when inspiration will strike), a water bottle, and some sugarless gum...I am not entirely sure, but these are quilters...I am sure there will be a snack table and I need to stay away from that!

I am not sure about show and tell...there are a couple of easily grabbed small finished quilts that may end up in the car.  I have decided not to haul the music quilt along.

I really want to get all those double nine patch and shoo fly blocks done that go with the "Afternoon Delight" blocks that I have been hand-appliquing.

I am taking my hand-appliqued baskets (from Blackbird Designs) and some new pieces to make up an original, alternate setting.

I also want to finish my "Bunnies Prefer Chocolate" top (Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill).  I hand-appliqued that booger so many years ago when I was using a less-than-adequate method of applique, but I love the top so much I want to finish it.  As usual, I have tweaked the plans for the outer borders to make it more playful and mine.

(My rounded edges were awful with my previous method of applique...tisk-tisk-tisk...see how herky-jerky they are??)

As if that is not enough, I have tucked away another couple of projects.  It is about 3 hours away near Gadsden, AL (on a lake...and a huge, steep hill!), so there will be no coming home for additional things to work on (aren't I optimistic?!?).

I am distressed that I have not found my "Revolver" turntable cutting mat.  I will have a little more time in the morning to look for it.  I feel like I unpacked it after the big move, but it is lost, lost, lost.  I will be doing a lot of tiny trimming and I LOVE that thing!

Oh yes, then I will have to throw some clothes and a toothbrush in a bag.  I hope there is no dress code for this shindig!  I hope running around in socks is allowed!

I am running away from my Blogger/computer problems for these 4 days, which are still not solved.  Still not getting emailed comments. Thank you for everyone who left comments.  I can read them when I go on my blog acting as a total stranger!

Have a great weekend and I hope I can show LOTS of progress on the next post!

In stitch,
Teresa   :o)


  1. dear teresa,what fun for you to come,hugs,susi

  2. You just have yourself a wonderful time! ENJOY

  3. Have fun!! What I wouldn't give just to watch you in action, I love your work.

  4. Enjoy yourself. I know you will have plenty to show/post when you get back. Is that your turntable under the small basket blocks? Again, enjoy.

  5. I know you will have a tremendous time. I've been to retreats where one forgot her underwear, one where another left her whole suitcase at home! At least with sewing gear you can count on someone else coming to your rescue.

  6. You are SEW organized!! I'm going on retreat in a couple of weeks, but my packed projects/tools won't be anywhere close to as neat as yours. Have FUN!!

  7. You are prepared--I want to go too! Eager to see your post when you get home.

  8. just how long is this retreat? LOL you have enough to work on for a year :) have fun, I love seeing progress on all you quilts, so many are working on these baskets that it makes me want to start one. I'm sure you will have a good time and maybe you will meet someone that lives close to your area and start to connect a little. I always hated the smelly featherweight box too and got a canvas bag that was made for the machine but now the machine doesn't work so it sits aside one day i need to take it someplace to get it fixed.

  9. Ooh, the bunny quilt is adorable and my applique looks just like that which is why I don't do it. I wouldn't go to a retreat that had a dress code. At our retreat they announce at the start that everyone should dress for comfort and we do have quilters in socks. Enjoy.

  10. Packing for retreat does feel as if we are taking our entire sewing room, doesn't it? You look well prepared, and should not run out of projects. Have a wonderful time! Remember to bring extra machine needles and the foot pedal! (we had a quilter who had to drive home to get hers- not an option for you 3 hours away).

  11. Oh what fun! I remember when you bought that wheeling tote and I thought "what a good idea". Of course I still haven't bought one, but I'm happy to see you are putting yours to good use! Have loads of fun. I know you will finish everything before you get home!

  12. You have packed everything but the kitchen sink! You will be prepared for most anything. I went to a retreat one time where I arrived later in the day than all the other quilters. There was one work space left but had been infringed on by another quilter at the table. And she made no move to give up what she had taken. I had taken a small folding table with me and set it up on the edge of the work area and worked there most of the time. The second night, the infringing quilter admitted she was rather greedy with the space and not willing to give it up. LOL! And some of the other ladies thought I was not friendly because I set up a little table by myself.

  13. Have a great time Teresa!! I'm pretty sure you haven't packed EVERYTHING - I've seen pictures of your quilt cave/ new sewing space - LOL!

  14. I was curious - you say you can't find your 'revolver' turntable cutting mat - what is that round mat with the pile of blocks on top, with a black basket? It says Brooklyn Revolver - is that not the one? Hope you have a great 4 day break away from home :)

  15. I did the Bunnies Prefer Chocolate quilt also and my applique skills weren't that good then. (I think yours looks fantastic!). I am debating starting it over. Would love to see your border treatment. I didn't care for the scalloped border so have never put my top together

  16. Your baskets and bunnies are marvelous -- happy retreating!!

  17. Oh, Do have a lot of Fun! Enjoy...(I've yet to go on a retreat) But would LOVE to someday. Love your neutrals in your basket blocks.

  18. I am so happy you are going on a quilty retreat but girl, you are way overdue!
    You will have a blast... I am a little bit jealous!
    Love your bunny blocks!

  19. Have a wonderful time Teresa, it will be wonderful for you to spend quality time in the company of other quilters. I'm amazed by how organised your packing is. You'll have a blast!

  20. You packed up everything but the kitchen sink! Are you sure you won't need it? :) Have fun and please share with us when you get home.

  21. Week-end???? from your packing I thought you were going for a month! Have fun.... and finish "something".


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