
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The "Peace" block...

I started stitching on this block for my "Contentment" anniversary quilt project while watching the opening ceremony for the Rio Olympics.  It seemed appropriate...I love all the International cooperation and participation.  I wish the only battles in the world were the ones between athletic teams with no violence.

The block measures 10-inches finished.  Steve and I are pretty peaceful and wish there was less violence in the world.  I have two more 10-inch blocks to do, then I have to start putting it together.  

This makes me panic because I have not figured out what to put around the center block.  I need to have a 2-inch border of some kind.  I cannot decide...pieced, appliqued...ugh!  I will draw out some possibilities and try and nail down a decision.

Are you watching the Olympics?  I am enjoying all of it.  The most surprising event for me has been the women's rugby...that is such a strange sport with the big ball!  Weird!

I was so moved by the opening is always so interesting to see what the host nation puts together.  That projection system was amazing!  And I loved the moving sculpture behind the lighted cauldron. 

I wish all nations would act as if the rest of the world was really watching all the time...including us!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. I am watching some of the Olympics but not all - I really enjoy the swimming and the gymnastics but I do not watch much of the other things. I love that block you are doing and you applique is always so nice and neat - you really inspire others to work harder! (I agree too much violence in the world and it worries me at times so I run to the sewing room to loose myself in the peace and quite)

  2. What a pretty applique block representing "peace". I never would have thought of doing it that way.

  3. Watching equestrian jumping right now. The eq cross country yesterday was exciting. Got hooked on women's team handball -- talk about an eclectic sport!

  4. We have been watching the Olympics, but just the prime time stuff. It's enjoyable and perfect for hand work like your beautiful applique. I love how this is designed. Perfect for the Olympic games.

  5. Oh what a wonderful block! This is going to be a sensational quilt. And yes, the Olympics have kept me from getting my 8 hours each night!

  6. Loving this block - what about adding some butterflies, unless I am reading your comment wrong about the empty space?
    I love the swimming and gymnastics but my favourite is the track and field events. I don't watch the boxing, weight lifting type games. Rugby is a big thing here in UK, after football/soccer and has 13 players each side, not like the 7 in the Olympics. My city has 2 professional teams, both in the premier league, and a football team that just re-entered back into premiership :) USA has 26 medals at this moment of writing and we have 6. I don't think we will do as well as we did in London 2012. I was lucky enough to go to the Paralympics that year with free entry and travel tickets my daughter won for 4 people - what an enjoyable day out for us all.

  7. Nice block - is this your pattern?
    Peace rests within our own soul but not everyone has that inner peace - especially the world. I believe World peace is unattainable as God allows free will to mankind.
    Have a great day. Enjoy the Olympics and am glad the USA is doing so well.

  8. Teresa, Your Peace block is lovely! Do you plan to add the pattern for this block to your online shop? I would love to buy the pattern and make a block of my own, and I imagine others would be interested as well. Happy Stitching, Jay


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