
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

"A Nut With Bolts" and more...

Two more LITTLE TREASURES 6-inch blocks done!  I call this one "A Nut With Bolts."

As I am trying to only use reproduction fabrics, I was limited in choices of fresh-tone fabrics.  I chose one that was the right hue, but it had a design on it that was too strong.  I tried the trick of using the wrong side of the fabric...but the little design shows through, which looks a little weird.

She looks a little bruised!

This next one is from the Flowers (2) bundle of patterns.  It is called "Althea Branch."

Just a few more blocks to stitch and I will be caught up!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. I think she just looks a little embarrassed that she has so much fabric. I go to a retreat of Nuts and Bolts every February.

  2. Looks like your creative mind has been working over time. They are both cute blocks. Chris

  3. I love the "nut with bolts" So cute! I think the fabric for her face is perfect. It looks like she has tatoos. So modern! You are so clever.

  4. These blocks just keep getting cuter and cuter.

  5. Awesome blocks. You are on a the designing streak. Maybe your lady has varicose veins. ;-)

  6. You know a really good fabric sale *can* get pretty brutal. :-)

  7. I forgot to add that I've been fascinated by your work since I found your blog a couple of years ago. Your applique is amazing, and the idea of putting the pattern pieces on the front of the fabrics is great. One of those, slow blink, then wondering why I never thought of that moments.

  8. Hey!If she got those bolts at the big sale of the local quilt shop, she may have been bumped and bruised in the competition to get them. So cute. Another winner of a design. You are like the Energizer Bunny!

  9. I've been away from my blog world for a few months - I miss seeing your fantastic shares. :D Your applique work is always top notch.

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