
Monday, February 1, 2016

A showy bird...

Downton Abbey DVD's did not come over the weekend, but I still managed to stitch another set of three 6-inch blocks!  These will finish 6 inches square.

Then, I finished the stitching on yet another set of three blocks last night while watching this week's installment of Downton Abbey season 6...the weekly dragging out out of the story is making me impatient to get the DVD's!!!  I may just hang out by the mailbox today...

I will get the glue soaked out of that second finished set, get 'em trimmed and post 'em directly.

I really love having something to stitch on while watching seems like such a waste of time if I am not doing something with my hands!

We spent our Sunday (yesterday) driving to Tuscaloosa and back to visit our college freshman daughter.  It is an almost 5-hour round trip, but worth it to see her and it is a scenic trip on little 2-lane roads.  Unfortunately, there are not many ethnic restaurants there, but we are managing to work our way through them on these occasional weekend lunch dates...yesterday, Japanese! 

Riley took a selfie on my phone...I wish I could be so fresh shortly after waking up (apparently it was a celebratory, late Saturday night after a tense weekend audition...), LOL.

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Amazing!Your friends are so fortunate to have such a great stitcher. I can't wait to see the whole thing together (I'm sure you are thinking that too). And, I too cannot watch TV without something in my hands.

  2. I too always have the tv on when I am stitching for some reason. Glad you got a chance to visit with your daughter and so nice that she is going to college close to your area rather than in Michigan!

  3. Cute little birds. Are your friends seeing the blocks that will be part of the trade? If I remember correctly, the blocks are for a trade.

  4. Beautiful daughter, beautiful birds! Wasn't it a great weekend here in the south to get out and about?

  5. I love how scrappy your showy birds are - great blocks! Glad you could enjoy a visit with your beautiful daughter :0) That was quite the episode of Downton - I hardly got any stitches in!

  6. I like to have something I've already seen on the telly -- a movie or series, it doesn't matter -- so I'm not compelled to look at it, but can listen/glance and understand what's going on. LOL! Downton Abbey is really good this season, isn't it? I'm really wondering how they're planning to end it all! :)

  7. Oh my goodness! I've been watching your blog and the appliqué blocks you are doing and I just love them!!! Can you tell me if these are your own design or a pattern? If they are your own, please, please, please design a pattern!!
    P.S. I love Downton Abbey too, but Direct TV had technology difficulties this past Sunday so I wasn't able to watch (my fingers are crossed they get it fixed QUICKLY!!!

  8. I ordered my Downton DVD from Amazon. It took two extra days from the date Amazon said it was delivered (and these were not during the holiday weeks).

    Hope yours comes soon

    p.s. I love the little bunny block

  9. Your blocks are just gorgeous Teresa, and I hope your Downton Abbey DVD's arrive soon. I see binge watching in your future!

  10. Your blocks make be smile. They are so cheerful. Thank you for sharing.

  11. I agree I feel like I am wasting time sitting in front of the TV but if I have needlework in my hand I don't feel so guilty


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