
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Two more Repro Madness blocks...multiplied by three...

More blocks are finished!  These were prepped for hand applique before the move so I would have a little something to do until the quilt cave emerged from the boxes. 

"Repro Madness" is a little project I am doing with two friends where we swap blocks, so I make three of everything.  All blocks will finish 6 inches square.

These are the first thing I have really appliqued since the finger surgery, other than trying to sew quilt labels and sleeves on quilts being sent out to shows.  Let me tell you, things feel awkward and a little clumsy!

How about them apples!  I drew this block last spring, dreaming about fall and Michigan apples growing fat and heavy.  I packed a lot of pieces into this 6-inch block.

And I HAD to do a sewing machine!  I actually finished these three blocks a month ago, but only found the box with the embroidery floss last weekend...maddening!

That is it for blocks prepped before the move...time to prep some more, as soon as I unpack the right boxes!  I have a few more drawn that I am excited to pick out fabrics for...I am really trying to stick to reproduction fabrics for this ever-expanding project.

Baby steps...

In stitches (again!),
Teresa  :o)


  1. Oh glad to hear you are stitching again--Love those apples in the basket...just lovely...hugs, Julierose

  2. These are just wonderful - oh, those apple baskets are just too cute! And to think these are so small.

  3. I always like to have some hand applique blocks prepped and nearby. Those sure are small blocks.

  4. I love these blocks. The baskets especially. I am anxious to see how the other two quilters blocks mix in! What fun. I am glad your hand is healing. I've had some sand surgeries and although I came through fine, my hand is not the same. So eventually your awkwardness will turn to the new normal.
    Is there a light at the end of the tunnel with regard to unpacking yet? Ugh

  5. Adorable blocks!! So glad you are able to hand stitch again!! The apples look good enough to eat and that sewing machine...I want it!!!

  6. Wonderful blocks. If I attempted a 6-inch block, my non-surgery fingers would be awkward and clumsy. Love the basket of Michigan apples.

  7. Love these. Is there a commercial pattern? I googled "retro madness quilt" but didn't come up with anything.

  8. Oh my gosh, those apple baskets are precious!! I checked your online store and didn't see them there -- are you planning on adding them? Your Baltimore Rhapsody - Symphony is splendid, by the way. It's not only beautiful, it's terribly clever! :)

  9. How did your unpacking of stash go? Glad you are able to do handwork again!

  10. So glad you are able to hand stitch again. Your apple block is darling. It makes me want to make an apple pie! Your sewing machine block is too cute.

  11. Wow, your applique with a post surgery finger is still 100 times better than I could do and I'm probably over estimating my ability! Love those Apple blocks and the fabrics you chose. So glad you're getting back to your quilting and getting more settled in your new home.

  12. I like the baskets of apples blocks. I like that you used such a variety of prints for the basket.

  13. I love both of those blocks, especially the sewing machine. I have a few vintage machines of my own. I am amazed at how fast you do this type of block and 3 of each!!! I wuold be thrilled to just make one of each. Glad to hear that you are back to your stitching again. Hope you Thanksgiving is a good one.

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