
Sunday, August 9, 2015

More "Repro Madness" blocks and a CAT-tastrophe...

My friends, it has been a hard month, but first things first...two more blocks finished for my "Repro Madness" swap with Ola and Mary.  They were actually finished weeks ago, but I forgot to take pictures.  We will get together soon so I can distribute in person.

They will finish 6 inches square.  This one I borrowed from a Lori Smith pattern, and the following one is adapted from something I saw on the Internet.  "Everybody likes cake," (said the Donkey in "Shrek"). 

These will join the few others I have barely managed to get finished in the last few months...

"Motor Mary" and Ola have made many more swap blocks than I have, mostly pieced, so I am eager to get my rear in gear and continue with more applique blocks...some day... 

Now the rest of the story...lots of you have been emailing me to get updates on Mr. Weasley's fate...our fates are now painfully connected.

We are moving to Alabama and cannot take our handsome little 9-year-old gentleman with us.

Well, one of my friends from church and her family wanted to adopt him.  This required getting him into a kitty-carrier.  Well, Mr. puss does not like kitty-carriers.  We finally caught him (he knew what we were up to...).  As I was holding him firmly, he bit into the knuckle on my right-hand index finger right as I was putting his little rump into the carrier.  Ouch!

Two punctures on top and one underneath.  It started swelling immediately.  But off we went in the car to transport him as quickly as possible, to try and keep HIS torture and discomfort to a minimum.  I was mad at him, but still sad at having to give up my little buddy...I cried the whole way home.  (If you are squeamish, look no further...)

That was a Sunday evening, and it got more swollen overnight.  I was at Urgent Care at 8 AM Monday morning where I got an antibiotic shot and a script for oral antibiotics.  By the time Steve got home from work that evening, my whole hand was badly swollen, and the redness was growing (the ER doctor kindly drew around it with a sharpie...).  We went to the ER, immediately started I.V. antibiotics, and I was admitted late that night and rushed into emergency surgery the next morning.

The surgeon had to open up my finger, top and bottom, to clean out the infection and repair my tendon...all the way back into my palm! The infection had already started to damage my tendon.  He had punctured my knuckle joint synovial sac.

I stayed in the hospital another couple of days then came home, wrapped up to my elbow, with a power port in my other arm to receive 3 weeks of I.V. antibiotics.  I had no idea that cat bites were so dangerous, but they are serious, serious, SERIOUS!  MUCH worse than dog bites...

Fortunately, by the luck of the draw, I had the best hand surgeon in Ann Arbor.  I came home for a week of being COMPLETELY useless where moving was concerned.  I was doped up on pain killers until I weaned off due to stomach upset.  Riley was still in Europe, so she missed all the excitement, than goodness.  Steve worked from home and was amazing.

Piano movers came to remove my piano...

...this was the extent of my usefulness...just posing for a selfie.

They disassembled, wrapped, padded, and lugged that thing out, right past the partially filled second POD in the driveway...

Now you see it, now you don't...we'll meet up again in Alabama in a month or so.

One week and 2 days post-op, I was back to have the first peek. The surgeon was thrilled, but I was completely shocked and wondering if I would ever play piano or sew again!  I have never had surgery and had only previously been in the hospital for childbirth (both mine and Riley's), so I was not prepared for what I saw.  I was still terribly looked like someone else's hand.

Another week to go before stitch removal and he put me in a cast...I picked lime green to cheer me up (no "repro-looking" option).

But even though my out-of-state move and world had come to a screaming halt, life everywhere else was going on and on. 

Thinking I had entered the Houston International Quilt SHOW a few months ago, I had accidentally entered a SPECIAL QUILT EXHIBIT that was to be hung there during the Festival and show (it was a very confusing web site...). My "Baltimore Rhapsody - Symphony" album quilt was enthusiastically accepted and needed to be shipped off.  

It will still be hung during the show, and that is better than a sharp stick in the eye, LOL!

They were very particular about a sewn-on label even though I had inked directly on the quilt backing previously.  Despite gaining two fingers, hand sewing was difficult, but Steve helped me.  I started out doing it right-handed, then gave up and sewed left-handed (how do you lefties do it?!).

Even after all the effort, we still got the date wrong and we had to write on the label to correct it...crazy!  

Then, "Miss Emilie's Garden" was accepted into AQS Chattanooga and AQS Des Moines, so that meant a sleeve was needed...

...and, of course, that needed a label...but after getting the cast off and stitches out, I could do a little more with my new splint (that I don't have to wear all the time!) and I could do it right-handed!

My finger is sore when I push its limits and very stiff.  Rehab to bend (or straighten!) will be long, but I hope to get everything back to normal size and function with time.

The move is delayed but I still have much to be grateful for...Riley got home safe from Europe, and the I.V. antibiotics end tomorrow so I can actually still go to move her into college in Alabama this week.  I was afraid I would have to miss that.  I won't be very useful, but I can now do a few things and can drive one of the cars (the push button one!).

Then, Steve and I will come home to Michigan to finish packing the second POD before it has to be picked up on Aug 21.  Still much to do here, but I now realize that I have no power over the schedule.  It will happen when it happens.  I packed the last few sewing things yesterday (things that I had held back to make labels and sleeves), so I now feel like a junkie without a fix!

Sorry this post was so gruesome, but I wanted everyone to know how bad cat bites are for us two-legged owners and lovers of the little fur balls!  Be careful, keep up with their vaccinations, and if you do get bitten, seek help immediately!  I miss Weasley terribly, but he is getting used to a new family...and two others cats!  I guess he got the last laugh by biting me! I wish us both the best!  

Some time I will have to change my header, but I am not quite ready...

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. dear teresa,that was bad news,hope your finger will be in normal condition very soon,hugs,susi

  2. As though you didn't already have enough going on! So glad to hear that you are on the mend.

  3. I had no idea cat bites could be so horrible, he sure bite deep!! you have been through so much and the move too, I hope all goes well with therapy so you can continue to do the things you enjoy.

  4. Girl....I have lived in your twilight zone. I'm glad your hand is healing well. The move will happen whether you are ready or not. Thankfully other forces seem to keep propelling us forward when we cannot seem to do it for ourselves. Wish I could help you somehow.

  5. It does look like it is healing well, so sorry this happened to you though. Poor Weasley he probably feels horrible he bit you too, just a reaction to the carrier.
    Please don't do too much though till your dr says you can. Time to read and rest, everyone else will have to do the last of the packing.

  6. Bless you heart. It's a good thing we love them, isn't it? Glad you are well on the way to full recovery. Life has an unpleasant way of interrupting our plans all too often. But it also lets us see what is important. Congratulations on your show hangings! <3

  7. Oh, Teresa, I feel for you! I broke my thumb on March 22nd of this year, had it in a splint for awhile but no surgery, and I still can barely bend it at the knuckle nearest to the break. Good for you, getting those quilts labeled for the shows! I'm glad your sweetie was able to work from home and care for you. I think you will love Alabama. Healing is slow, but sure -- each day you will wake up a little bit better than the day before. I'm sending you a great big hug across the Internet -- can you feel it? :-)

  8. OMG - hope you take the time to mend, don't push it. I am well aware of the bacteria in a cat's mouth (vet assist for years) and you are lucky there was no amputation. Good luck to you, your quilts and Weasley in his new home.

  9. I was wondering how the Weasley story was going on. Sorry to hear you were so badly affected. Moving sucks. Good luck.

  10. Oh, dear!!! I'm so sorry Mr. Weasley bit you. He was lashing out for sure. My Tiger did the same thing to me one time at the vet's office. I was holding him and he took great exception to what the vet was doing and I wound up with a bite from all four major teeth in the fleshy part of my hand between the thumb and forefinger. Took me a few hours to get in to see a doctor who put me on antibiotics. Luckily, my bite was muscular. That bite to the knuckle joint is what got you. I'm so glad you're healing well and I know you're frustrated. Hang in there.

  11. I was bitten by a cat about 15 years ago and the people had not had it vaccinated so the health department killed it so I didn't have to have rabies shots. I just had minor swelling and since it bit me in the leg, I am happy that my reaction was nothing like yours.

  12. Your hand adventure is the pits......... glad you are on the mend.

    So HAPPY that "Baltimore Rhapsody - Symphony" is gong to hang in Houston!!!!!!!!

  13. oh my goodness! I had a bad infection from a cat bite last November on my pinky finger joint, it is still a little stiff in feeling (we were looking to adopt from a shelter, but it happened after we brought her home). I was put on hardcore antibiotics and they really did a number to my system. That is incredible how quickly the infection took over your hand.

  14. Oh Teresa that's so awful!! I hope it completely mends soon!! Your cake blocks are wonderful! Such gorgeous appliquΓ© blocks - your swap partners will be thrilled!

  15. Holy heck! That was one lasting cat bite! Fingers crossed for a happy move and full finger mend. I LOVE the cake block! Best wishes.

  16. I am so sorry to hear of your bite and worry that you don't loose any feeling and dexterity in your hand. I've never seen anything like that from a cat bite. I would have been afraid the new owners might have changed their minds about adopting him after that happened. Hopefully he will get along with the other cats and his new parents. I feel so bad for you and him too. I will be in Houston and will look for your quilt.

  17. I'm sorry to hear what you've gone through--imagine if you'd not sought care immediately!
    And I understand the heartbreak of Weasley being with a new family, but at the same time I'm very relieved to know that there were loving hearts to welcome him. I'm among those who has been sending loving thoughts his way (and yours). Now I'll be sending healing thoughts as well.
    Congratulations on the acceptance of your quilts. Your work is so beautiful.

  18. OMG Teresa. I can't believe everything that happened. At least you have some good news too. I knew cat bites were bad but I cannot how fast it spread on you. I hope you get back to normal as quickly as you safely can. I hope everything goes well with Riley and the rest of the move goes smoothly. Take care of yourself.

  19. PS All of your blocks are beautiful.

  20. How awful! I'm so glad that you found a new home for your beautiful kitty, but too bad you had such an ordeal in the meantime! I can not believe all you are going through due to a cat bite - who knew!?

  21. Hey, Teresa! You didn't jut get bitten, you got pierced! What would you like? A gold ball or a diamond stud, or ...a button with a weasely face on it? Sorry that happened. Keep plugging away (reasonably) and you guys will get to Alabama!

  22. Whoa!!! That was quite a tale. I'm so sorry that you've been through so much but the good news is that you are on the mend. You now have something physical to remember Weasley by. What an adventure~

  23. What a story you have shared with us. I could not imagine a cat bite doing so much damage. I know their teeth are sharp but don't seem very long but I have never had a cat and am no judge. What a good-bye that was. I hope your recovery is soon over and you can get back into gear on the moving.

  24. Ouch! What bad timing and what an ordeal. Hope things go smoothly for the rest of your move and recovery. :-)

  25. So very sorry about your hand. I pray it heals quickly. And I hope you are as happy in Alabama as we have been. We moved from Illinois to Tuscaloosa, AL two years ago. Nancy A:

  26. Oh my goodness .... you have had quite the journey!

  27. Oh my goodness Teresa, what an ordeal you've been through! I'm sure Weasley never meant to bite you quite so comprehensively, I'm sure it was only supposed to be a nibble.
    Big hugs

  28. Hope you are all your quilts and blog. Hugs mary

  29. So pleased that Weasley has a new home and your hand is healing. Yes, the move will happen - just don't overdo it and jeopardize those fingers! Congrats on the shows - your quilts are beautiful to behold.

  30. Wow, wow, WOW! Life throws us such crazy curve balls! I'm so glad you were able to get good medical help and get headed back in the right direction. I wish you a full recovery.

  31. Holy Cow! You've really had a time of it. How come those things never happen to our left hands...if they have to happen at all? I hope you have a speedy recovery and are good as new soon. I just bought some Needle Pullers by Dritz that work great. I use them when sewing on binding. They fit on your thumb and index finger and make pulling the needle through much easier. They might help while you are recovering if you have any sewing time during your move! :)

  32. What a story! I'm going to send it to my sister, who is a cat person and was bitten by one of her cats as well. It was pretty bad, but not even close to what you have had to endure! She is a piano teacher but doesn't quilt, so you understand the issues she had as well. Good luck with your move and recovery!

  33. What a story! You can't make this stuff up. Hopefully, you are healing and the move will go smoothly. Congratulations on your entry in the show. Keep us posted on your adventures. I am anxious to see how the "stash" fits in the new house.

  34. I was bitten by my ex DIL's cat a couple of years ago, but nothing like that happened to me! Just take it slow tomorrow and wave goodbye to all your stuff until Alabama. :)
    BTW, we lefties are the ones in our right minds. he he One of our priests used to tell me that joke every time he saw me pick up a pen.

  35. I am a lefty and could never sew with my right hand, so I give you credit for trying!
    My cat has not bitten me, but she scratches the heck out of me often. I have scars!

  36. So sorry you needed a new home for your cat. Really so sorry he bit you and all this awfulness happened to you. I hope you are stichless soon and can return to your regular life (as it is right now that is).

  37. Well Teresa I know we love our cats, but what a mess you are in with your hand. I hope you are healed by this time. We moved a year ago July, and I don't envy anyone moving. It's a lot of work. Hope you are doing better by now.

  38. Teresa - Hope you hand has healed and you're able to applique again soon

  39. Oh my, how awful about your hand...Who knew?!! hoping you heal quickly. Sorry you had to give him a new family, that's always hard..I Love your Beautiful applique. wow. just gorgeous.
    Debra in Ma........also a Bonniac.

  40. OMG Teresa... that is a terrible summer!
    That is just too much you poor thing.
    I had no idea cat bites were so dangerous!

  41. OMG Teresa... that is a terrible summer!
    That is just too much you poor thing.
    I had no idea cat bites were so dangerous!

  42. I was saddened to hear what happened to you. I’m praying for your speedy recovery so you can sew again.

    tefl blog

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. That cat bite was really serious! I hope that you can recover quickly.



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