
Monday, August 25, 2014

2014 AQS Grand Rapids Quilt Show...Part TWO

I really LOVED this quilt with a message..."This piece speaks of the tragedy when oil spills into our pristine oceans and lakes.  It becomes a reminder to protect all of our sacred waters." (from the program book).

The fabrics contained motifs of birds, fish, money, etc.  It was very powerful.

This won first place in the "Made By Machine Bed Quilt" group...

This won honorable mention in the "Wall Quilts Hand Quilted" group...

This won second place in the "Wall Quilts Hand Quilted" group...

"This quilt was inspired after a Bible study on Queen Esther.  Hadassah was her Jewish name, Esther was her Persian name." (from the program book)

This quilt captures Cuban life in photos and fabric...

This quilt was done by the author of an up-coming book, The Quilt Block Bible.

This quilt's name comes from the DMC stock number of the red pearl cotton used in the quilting...

This was a clever quilt with the maker's grandmother immortalized in the center...very striking from a distance and close up, where you can enjoy the beautiful, careful fabric choices for the flowers...

Ahhh...another music quilt...and the notes really are accurate (I stood there and sang along...can you "read" what the song is???)...

This won third place in the "Wall Quilts Hand Quilted" group...

A beauty from Blogger Friend, Jill was nice to finally meet her in person and see her quilt again, although I was a sweaty mess (did anyone else think it was hot, swampy, and too humid on Friday?!?)...

The texture created by the quilting of this quilt was so interesting...

(not my hand, I promise...but I did "click" a picture and take advantage of her pointing out the sharp point on that plate block, LOL...)

Tanya was inspired by her son...stunning...

Wasn't that fun?  And there are still at least two posts yet to come from this fabulous show!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. Again - how do you judge all these wonders?!! Fabulous quilts and thank you for sharing.

  2. Oh, my word. Just more and more stunning quilts. I am completely blown away by that 321 Quilt. Was that done all by hand????? Unbelievable.

  3. I was at the show, too, and very excited to see your quilt there in real life. I really love the photos you share.



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