
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Quilter interrupted...

I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things since my parents' accident...which is really beginning to irk me.  I decided to hang up my "Contentment" blocks this week so I could think about finalizing the latest two block designs. This is a project I started last fall in celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary.  The blocks are 10 inches square.   

I am going to finish these two blocks I have doodled on paper, then decide if I want to come up with another 3 blocks so that the little quilt would be 3 blocks x 4 blocks.  I'm not back to feeling very creative is definitely going to need some sort of sashing.

I am working on a block with a DNA double helix as a nod to my science background and a SIMPLE music block to represent our combined interest in music.

I am hanging them in place on the design wall as I finish stitching them, soak the glue out, and do any embroidery required.  They seem a little dark to me, but I suppose these repro fabrics will brighten a bit when set with a bright red repro sashing.  I will probably wait until they are all stitched to trim them all down to size.

I just love Lori's patterns...

I've been a wandering road warrior quite a bit lately, and Riley and I head off again this evening for a 2-day college visit trip to Pennsylvania and Ohio. Maybe I will finish a couple more of the Miss Emilie blocks on our wanderings.

I am having a hard time concentrating on anything.  I keep pulling out project boxes containing UFO's in hopes of something, ANYTHING sparking some interest in me.  I have been wasting quite a bit of time on Pinterest lately...shameful, really.  I got an iPhone and it makes Pinterest WAY too easy an escape in moments when I just want to disappear.  Does anyone else out there have a Pinterest addiction??

In stitches,


  1. I have been out of the groove too. I am making myself spend today in my sewing room in hopes that it will make me get something done. Good luck!

  2. Honey child, escapism is NEEDED at times, so don't feel bad about it at all!! I am still in complete awe of that applique. I've signed up for the applique group at my new quilt guild and can't wait to see what I can learn.

  3. It can take a long to feel somewhat "normal" again after your loss, my prayers are out to you. Sometimes mindless escape is just the thing the soul needs, but sometimes we have to force ourselves to get ahead. I struggle with depression and sometimes I have to "fake it until I make it". Blessings

  4. I LOVE your Emilie blocks - so very pretty!! They'll look even better trimmed to size with less white. I have avoided Pinterest - I already spend way too much time looking at blogs. I'm sure your creativity will be back strong again - you have so much of it! Just keep stitching. :0)

  5. loosing both parents at once is heart wrenching! it will take awhile to get it together - one day at a time - keep busy but also need time to reflect

  6. You do such amazing applique! You have gone (and still going thru) a horrible loss and time is needed. Do small things that are in your heart. But occassionally include a friend in those times.

  7. Your stitching is perfection! Well done! These blocks are a joy to behold! Yes, I am addicted to Pinterest, and an iphone does make it way too easy! I hope your parents are doing okay! I totally understand how hard it is at time to maintain focus. You'll get it back, trust me.

  8. I have intentions of making the Miss Emily quilt blocks at some time. I have had the pattern for a while now. Hope you get back to your 20th anniversary quilt soon. The block designs are so creative and have special meaning.

  9. Welcome back to bloggy land. You are missed, but I'm sure most of your followers would agree - you will get back into your groove in YOUR time, not on anyone else's schedule. I love your "computing" contentment block - appropriate at the moment, I'm sure most of us have wanted to disappear into our computer screens at some time.

  10. I totally understand wanting to escape. I lost my mother unexpectedly in August last year and it has taken me a long time to get back in the swing of things. Take care and don't be too hard on yourself. Your mojo will come back in time.

  11. Hang in there. Keep plugging away at whatever you can manage to work one. Let the repetitive stitching motion soothe the rough patches. Escape when you need to - give yourself the time you need.

  12. Pintrest is a lovely little place to escape to. Your body and soul is telling you what it needs, you need time to heal and there is no set time limit for that.

  13. I still just can't imagine how hard it must be to face losing your parents. My mother-in-law passed away about a year and a half ago, and life still doesn't feel all that normal. Perhaps you need to work on something really easy -- you know, that project that looks kinda pretty, but you didn't think you'd want to do it because it was so easy you'd get bored? The fewer decisions you need to make, the more you can go on auto-pilot, the easier it will be to keep picking it up. Eventually you'll be more interested in the creative and complex parts. ((Hugs!))

  14. In times of stress the very thing you need seems to escape you. That wonderful therapy of rythmic stitching - losing oneself in it. But we all have different levels of bounce back and yours will come when it's good and ready. You are doing amazingly well, considering all things.

  15. Nope I have a quilting blog addiction :) Seeing these blocks of yours is helpful as I just purchased my first lori smith's a wool applique and i am not working in wool nor do I want to purchase fabric for it and seeing your mixing of all these colors and fabrics was great.

  16. Love these blocks! It will take a while to feel like your old self again. Until then, just stitch a little every day on something that is a "no-brainer" and eventually you will tackle those design challenges.

  17. Time ... It takes time to rediscover that missing mo-jo. If Pinterest helps you pass the time and entertains you, then it works. Just keep stitching slowly ... Sending hugs!

  18. I see a lot of repro fabrics l love in your applique blocks. I sure would like to get into your stash when you aren't looking...

  19. I *love* your computing block. Sometimes, it really feels like that.

    I've always thought it better to butt applique leaves right up against the stem, but with the block I'm working on lately, I've decided to overlap the leaves over the stems, even though it's more bulky. Any reason I shouldn't?

    As for Pinterest, I spend waaay too much time there. Because of Pinterest, I have been able to realize that I really, really like recycled art from found objects the best of all. When I started quilting, it was by cutting up old clothes. I didn't know they had special fabric just for making quilts. At first, I didn't know they had stores just for selling fabric for quilt making. It slowly started to dawn on me. One of my early instructors seemed to think it was odd that I was cutting up old clothes in her class. Maybe the cotton fabric was a bit coarse, but it was the right color for my project. Since then, I have learned an awful lot about fabric acquisition. They even have online fabric stores now. ;-P

  20. I have found this happens when we lose a loved one. Perhaps designing a quilt in tribute to your loved ones may jumpstart motivation and focus? You are so talented. The pics are pure eye candy.

  21. Sometimes doing something silly and mindless is what you need. THere's a reason I call it the "black hole" of Pinterest. I hope that time will help you overcome such a tragic loss.

  22. Don't rush it. If you can do 15 minutes a day, that's all you have to do. Baby steps, Teresa. We'll all be here for you. :)


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