
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2014 Sauder Village Quilt Show...Last Part...


The Sauder Village Quilt Show Challenge is tempting and interesting every year.  I usually buy the little fabric bundle with the greatest of intentions of DOING the challenge, but always end up washing and adding the fat quarters to my stash because I DON'T.

This year's challenge was called "Line Dance."  Each entry had to use one of the two Michael Miller striped fabrics shown above and other geometrical fabrics of the quilter's choice - dots, stripes, chevrons - and solid colors.  No other fabrics could be used.  

The maximum size was 36" x 36" and the minimum size was 24" x 24".  Anything between those sizes was accepted.

Quilts had to be designed, pieced, and/or appliqued and must have been made by individuals rather than groups.

Here is what the clever participants came up with...

And the winners are...First Place...

Two Second Place winners...

(Anita is a fellow blogger...)

Two Third Place winners...

Four Honorable Mentions...

I'm afraid this ends all the photos I took at Sauder Village.  If I had gone back the last day, I would have taken more pictures of more quilts, but that wasn't meant to be.

Thank you for your continued emails and comments of support and love...I feel them deeply and really appreciate everybody's time and effort in making them.  One day at a time...



  1. What great challenge pieces. Thank you for sharing your photos of the show. And many gentle hugs.

  2. Thanks for a wonderful photo album of this show & for the shout out! Remember to take care of you along the way in this new chapter of life.

  3. What a fun challenge! Bright happy fabrics and great results.

  4. Wow those designs blow my mind! Truly creative people that ran with the challenge!

  5. What a great challenge with some fantastic results . Thanks for sharing .

  6. Excellent quilts and such happy fabric!

  7. Thanks for sharing all these great challenge quilts. It is so interesting to see what each quilter does with the challenge fabric. Each one is different, but a little alike with those striped fabrics.


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