
Thursday, February 6, 2014


ENOUGH ALREADY is an understatement!  We got another messy 6 inches of snow yesterday.  We are running out of places to shovel it!  Our raised gazebo and front porch are now even with the landscape.

The sun came out, innocently, yesterday afternoon when the worst had blown through.  The roads were terrible, and since the heaviest snow came after kids were going to school, we all had to get out in it to get them home.  Southeast lower Michigan has gotten wave after wave of storms this year.  I wish we could give some of it to southern California!

This misplaced southern girl has had enough!

Stay safe out there!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. I hear you - it is 12 degrees this morning here in Arkansas - I'm getting a little tired of waking up to a cold house - our electric heat pump isn't working efficiently at all. It is getting tired too of it.
    your snow looks pretty though - but like you say enough already and it is only February

  2. it's definitely winter -- up here in Winnipeg we have lots of snow and below normal temperatures. stay warm and keep your cool!

  3. I totally agree! And this has been the coldest dang winter we've had so a long time! We haven't even gone skiing yet, cuz it's just too dang cold for me! (I'm a princess skier! lol)

  4. Oh dear. After 30 plus years of living in Michigan and am happy to be in Florida away from all that. Stay safe!

  5. We are in the same boat here! No where to put more snow!

  6. wow, that is a lot of snow.... Here in South Louisiana, we make our own LOL

  7. We are buried too - not fun. But our schools, colleges, and offices closed the night before rather than have everyone out in the storm. Today the sun if shining - like Mother Nature laughing at us.

  8. I am so sorry! I cannot even imagine. We had sleet this morning in Houston. Global warming, right?

  9. I cried "uncle" already!! ;-) Stay warm!!

  10. I'm with you. My son has move to SoCal, and will be getting married in the Spring. If the lovebirds have babies, I'm pretty sure I'll retire out there to be with them. Good riddance snow!


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