
Monday, November 25, 2013

The "Good Earth" Quilt - A Simple Plow (sneak peek)...

Here is another element for the central medallion square of my "Good Earth" quilt project.  It is missing all the embroidery details, like wheel spokes, but I think you can get the idea.

My dad loves these antique push plows, and even with all his "toys," like tractors, tillers, etc., he loves the ease and simplicity of a push plow when working on a small bit of the garden.

It is fun to stretch the old fabric stash to find enough shades of tone-on-tone fabrics to give the items the proper perspective and shading.

Here is a little prepped pile of pieces for the second tree of the medallion square...

Can you tell what kind of tree it will be??  

I also have my little "to go" stitching box filled with the next music block for the Baltimore Rhapsody quilt project.  I grab it as I go out the door so I can fill the moments where I am waiting on someone or something...that is the only way I can get things done these days.  

Last Saturday I sat at the FREEZING COLD horse barn while my daughter rode.  I am not ready for winter!!  I managed a few stitches between the teeth chattering...

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Sounds like you need to take a few quilts along to snuggle up in while you're stitching!

  2. I think Winter is here to stay. Prep is the key. Looks like you are well prepared. Stay warm. Chris

  3. Looks like maybe an apple tree? You have to be pretty determined to stitch in the cold. I look forward to seeing this next tree grow :0)

  4. I agree that you need to take a quilt for binding or quilting and wrap up in it. I thought your tree might be a dogwood. i wish we had a plow like that - no gasoline or electric required.


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