
Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog blah-blah-blah...

This is what my cat does when I am sitting at my computer, reading blogs, writing posts, working on patterns, or dreaming on Pinterest.

I think he is doing some sort of cat stretching exercises to make his short, stubby legs longer...not working...and this is what my husband does...

Maybe the cat learned it from my husband (or vice versa?)...I think it is working for Steve...his arms look freakishly long in this picture.

I am the first to admit that I am a complete idiot when it comes to blogging.  I started blogging as a quilt conversation and quilt diary. 
I love the feedback, the questions, the friends I've made, etc.

I barely know how to do the basics when it comes to posting, adding gadgets, pictures, and features.   Then, when changes roll down, like a Blogger update or new blog readers, I am completely clueless.

I would rather spend my limited time sewing on things to post than working on the actual blog...CONTENT over PRESENTATION any day.  I am a quilter first, blogger second.

When I get stumped on something technical, it is painful taking the time away from sewing to figure it out.  I have learned that Karen of SEW MANY WAYS is brilliant, and I turn to her great blogging tutorials to help me out (not to mention all the other amazing stuff on her blog).

I never used Google Reader, or whatever it was called, but when Bloglovin' came out, I sort of jumped on the proverbial bus and registered my blog there, thinking it might increase my readership.

I get daily emails from Bloglovin' with my "Bloglovin' feed," but have a difficult time even navigating that, so I just keep reading my favorite blogs from the side bar of my blog page, like I always have, or navigating from comments.

I keep getting emails that "so-n-so" is following me on Bloglovin', but my actual follower number on my blog is not growing, and I feel like my readership is dwindling.  How do you people out there like Bloglovin'?  Is it working for you?

Of course, I know it is not a popularity contest, and I am probably just boring.  And I know I don't post enough...aging in-laws, the schedule of a teenager without a drivers license, and local/out-of-state demands on my time have made it challenging in the last few months.  

I have a tendency to try to only post when I have something interesting to show or talk about.  Maybe I should post more often, with less material to slog through per post?  I am also WAAAAY behind on reading and commenting on the blogs that I love. 

But I am determined to go forth, so any advice, comments, or input is welcome.

Someone told me that with more and more people reading blogs on their smart devices, that may be the reason that page views and comments are less.  I don't have a smart phone, or laptop, or a WIFI device...just an old-fashioned desktop PC.  I do get emails from people, which is lovely...maybe it is just too hard to comment on these smart devices...without a keyboard, I guess you have to be pretty motivated or provoked to send a comment.  You at least have to have a free Google account, and not everyone takes time to do that.

If I would take some time and figure out how to use Bloglovin', I would probably answer all my own questions, lol!  I am a dinosaur when it comes to technology.  If I had money to burn on smart technology, I would probably be more excited about learning how to use all this stuff.

I have a new large format scanner to learn how to make digital downloads of all my is not as easy as I had hoped, and my techie/geekie other half has not had a lot of time for my nonsense lately due to work and ailing parental issues.

Please be patient with me if you are waiting for the finishing pattern or digital download.  Those items, along with the hand quilting of the symphony quilt, are progressing...although painfully slow. 

To keep my sanity with the progression of the three things mentioned above (and to have something to work on away from home and in meetings), I am continuing to work on new blocks for the music project ("BALTIMORE RHAPSODY") and "CONTENTMENT" quilt.  The handwork is my therapy as I deal with some of these pressing family issues.

Be patient with me (and maybe some of your patience will rub off on me, 'cuz I am running out of the stuff!).  I know we all have family issues that pull on us from time to time, but I am not managing the stress very well!

In stitches (and lately in pieces...),
Teresa  :o)


  1. Oh, Teresa. I am so like you. I am a total klutz when it comes to the technology. I only post about my sewing. When life is too busy for sewing, the blog posts are few are far between. That's the way I like it. I can't get attached to technology 24/7 like my students are. The sewing is the thing. I love to see your posts and really admire your patience for applique. Thanks for sharing and just keep sewing.

  2. The arm stretches were a good laugh - Moe does that too. I read off my blog list still and I could care less if there is more or less following, watching or commenting. It is a journal for me. Family stuff is the pits sometimes - more than once I have sworn to just pack a bag and hide out in a hotel for a while.

  3. We all have issues and yours are no different than mine. I hope things ease up for you. You do fine with your blogging and so you don't post 7 days a week isn't a crime. Your life comes first. Keep stitching for your sanity. Chris

  4. I love your posts just the way they are. You brighten my day! Hugs.

  5. I am not an "enlightened" blogger either! I think that Bloglovin' has slowed down everyone's comments etc. I am not a big fan of it but I do read blogs there. When you get their email, if you click on the blue "Bloglovin" title it takes you to I guess what would be like the Google "Dashboard"(--where I also read some blogs still).
    Did you also know you can "schedule" your posts ahead of time? On Blogger Dashboard when you go to post there is a choice called "schedule" (under labels) where you can pre-post ...that is helpful, I think, for those of us with limited time....I love your posts as is and look forward to reading them...hugs, Julierose

  6. Oh Teresa, don't worry about the statistics. You started blogging for yourself and your own record. Keep doing that and those of us who are interested will follow along.

  7. I also have no clue about technology. Its great when it works or if I can understand it. I also still read off my blog list. Thanks for allowing me to know I'm not the only one!

  8. I like short posts, just a quick update on something someone is working on or where they have been between the long posts that are explaining something, etc. so I have found that posting a little every day keeps people coming to your blog more often. I think the people who read on their gadgets might prefer more shorter posts instead on one really long one. I wouldn't worry about the stats either.

  9. I think you are doing just fine! And...I want your cat! He is adorable - love how he just hangs off of the chair!

  10. Just a quick note to let you know that while I am not listed as a "follower" on your blog I check it daily not only for your own post but also the click thru your blog list on the side. Your humor reflected in your blocks, your wonderful feline friend and the tone of you blog pleases me and others I am sure

  11. Hang in there. Family issues are always a drain, both mentally and physically. No way to proceed but forward. God bless. I look forward to your blog posts. Please keep them coming when you can. Love your designs just need more time to start a new project. Take care.

  12. I like your blog and because it is your blog post what and when you feel like it.
    I have people following me on bloglovin' but I still use my google reader to read my blogs. That is the way I have done it since I started blogging. Like you I like to spend my time quilting not trying to figure out all the changes that keep coming. It can be very frustrating.

  13. I think your blog is fantastic and humorous! Your cat is a hilarious, I've never seen that pose before. Very cute!

  14. I almost always leave a comment when I visit a blog, but I know that the majority of blog visitors don't. I can have 800 page views a day and 2 comments... that's a small percentage of commenters.
    I don't understand the whole bloglovin thing at all, and don't have any fancy devices... just a regular phone and a regular computer... I am happy with that which makes me a "freak", according to my kids! LOL
    Life is hard enough without having to navigate technology modifications 24/7... I'd rather quilt!

  15. I loved this post! Just for the record, you are WAY ahead of me: you are, after all, already writing a blog! When Google Reader stopped, I "moved" the blogs I was reading to bloglovin and to feedly ( I read the bloglovin daily posts in my email, but I do not have a clue where 'the rest of the posts' are -- seems like a small number of posts. Feedly gives me a list of the blog titles of all of the blogs I follow with them, and I can click on the ones I am interested in, and read them on the specific blog. Feedly is definitely my favorite (no affiliation, obviously!) for being pretty certain I am not missing something interesting. Just do your best with the family issues and build in lots of de-stressing activities! LOVE the kitty!

  16. Love the out-stretched legs and arms! I probably enjoy reading others' blogs more than creating my own blog posts, and while mostly quilting, I include daily life ... and some grumbling... I was surprised to gain another follower the other day... I'm up to 24 now, lol, but I'm surprised that anyone would follow me at all. Occasionally I'll go to my stats page, which is all very interesting, and like you, I'll have a huge (for me) amount of page views, and no comments. It's my record, and I'm not trying to 'build my blog' so it's ok, but it is exciting to see those days when more than 1 person viewed the blog :)

  17. I hate wasting time figuring out some new change too. Why fix what ain't broken??! I continue to read blogs from my sidebar. I always enjoy your posts. I wouldn't stress too much about frequency. Just post when you want to and when you have time. I think you're an applique whiz and your quilts are very inspiring.

  18. Teresa, I read your blog faithfully! I don't always comment, but I love your work and and what you have to say! I'm not a techno geek either and I can do enough to be dangerous!! I stopped blogging because I didn't feel like I had enough to talk about and I was boring!!

  19. I much prefer someone who posts infrequently with actual content over those that blog every day or more frequently–whether they have something to share or not– because they think that's what's expected.

    As for blog stats. the number of followers in your sidebar are pretty useless now because no one who is following you with Bloglovin or Feedly or some other reader will show up there. When Google reader was still around, it would auto-magically include the blogs that you "followed" using the blogger button and so people used it. Now, unless you are following a small-enough number of blogs to read them from within Blogger, there's no reason to become a follower in that fashion.

  20. Perhaps most people are like me and prefer to follow anonymously. I do "follow" your blog and read it every time you post. I enjoy your thoughts and your beautiful applique. I, too, don't post on my blog everyday because I am all about pictures of quilty progress. I am hand quilting a blue and white quilt. It is very slow. How many pictures of the same blue and white quilt could I post without bordering on tedium? But, even though I don't post much and I comment on other posts even less, I love to hear how you're doing.

  21. Fabric Therapy is one of my very favorite blogs. It is easy to read, always interesting, great pictures and enjoyable. I appreciate that it is ad-free other than your own product. I do not understand Bloglovin either and I haven't figured out google plus. I too frequent favorite blogs via my side bar and/or your side bar. LOL! It's the simple way. I must admit that I keep up with blogging via an ipad. I can curl up nice and comfy in a chair with a cup of coffee to read and dream about quilting and getting an organized home. I also follow Karen at Sew Many Things. I think all of us quilters struggle with choosing whether to blog or sew. I just love Weasley!

  22. Please stay as you are now. I love your blog and really don't care how often you post. Your applique work is an inspiration for me. I follow more than a few blogs but not through this bloglovin thing. I have bookmarked the blogs I follow and go from there.

  23. Love the cat & hubby photo's!! Funny!
    I find the bloggy thing strange too. I have 'X' amount of followers, I have my loyal commenters, but often wonder about the rest of the followers? I know I have some blogs that I only occasionally leave a comment, sometimes it's because I have nothing to say or there are loads of comments already I wonder if the blogger really wants another.
    I find some of the blogs with heaps of comments are often full of personal 'stuff', I tend to keep away from blogging about personal 'stuff' ....personally! Maybe that is why I don't get heaps of comments??
    I don't do the Blog lovin', I did do a panic thinking it will all end if I don't, but it just seemed all too hard for a techno novice like myself.
    Sorry if I don't comment each time I visit.
    I try & think of my blog as a sort of 'book' of my customer quilts plus some of my own creations, if anyone reads & leaves a comment then I see that as nice.

  24. You and your blog are definitely NOT boring! I look forward to every post! But I usually do not comment when I see there are at least 10 comments already made. I just figure, who has the time to read through 100 "I liked it" comments! Unless I really have something to say or add to the conversation, I usually just lurk! lol So don't feel a need to change anything.....cuz your blog is great! Also, I totally with ya on the technology/Bloglovin/Reader thing......I have no understanding of any of it.....I'm lucky I know how to turn on my computer! LOL

  25. Okay --- so here I am ---- a "lurker". I enjoy reading your blog and don't comment --- so, I guess what I am saying is --- keep it up. I am not techi savvy either, so what I do is pretty elementary.

  26. I'm posting before I read any other comments so perhaps what I'm saying may be repetitious but I love reading your blog. You make me smile and laugh out loud. I am amazed at the fantastically beautiful applique work you do and your creativity blows me away. Don't even get me started on your organization down in the quilt cave!! That's beyond belief...or maybe just beyond my capabilities. I think you inspire many of us to be more organized, be more creative, try our hands at applique. Boring??? Not on your life. Listen, I'm happy to read your blog WHENEVER you are able to post. It's your life and you've actually got a life to live, so do what you need to do, and do it on your time. We readers will be here waiting for you. :)

  27. I don't know diddlysquat about bloglovin', instagram, bluetooth, twitter, or anything else computer related. I'm waaaayyy behind & I'll never catch up. And I don't even care because I'd rather applique. But I type in "Fabric Therapy" every few days because I love reading your blog.

  28. You have a very interesting blog to me and the frequency of your posts is just fine. I too do not post as often as I'd like, but life gets in the way and I like to post pictures, which takes a long time to format with my system. My mother used to say "quality or quantity" in most things is best. You have quality in your posts. Don't worry about quantity.

  29. Please don't stop blogging or sewing! I love your blog and read every post... I too have leaned on Karen for most everything I do. I am about to teach a student who has a blog but doesn't know how to post pics of her work to her blog... so at least you know how to write with your wonderful tongue in cheek humor and sew like no one else I know! You are WINNING! lol Have a blessed day and hope you don't give up the blog! You have a sweet family too btw! Kathi

  30. Dear Teresa, I love you and your blog just the way it is! Please don't change a thing - Quality over Quantity! (I don't have a blog, because if I did it would take away from my sewing/quilting time). Thinking about you as you care for your elderly in-laws. Fabric Therapy is so necessary!

  31. I just had to stop in and tell you how much I love that picture of Weasley!!! I never noticed that white "T" marking on his nose. Looks like he's been in a fight and has a broken nose with a bandage!! Love that kitty.

    Hey, blogging can be whatever YOU want it to be. I don't keep up with all the current stuff either. I'm not trying to earn a living with it and its for my enjoyment and that of my few readers.

  32. I love your blog it just the way it is. Your posts are worth waiting for because there is always something beautiful and interesting. And frequently amusing, too!

  33. Your blog is great. I don't think you have to blog every day or even be interesting every day. Thanks for sharing when and what you can. Sue at sue's journeys


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