
Saturday, October 19, 2013

The "CONTENTMENT" Quilt - block 4, teamwork...

It's fun to present another block for my original "Contentment Quilt," which is an original project to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary (October 23).

This one features my husband and his grilling skill...when he grills it is so helpful and it means that the meal was a group effort...thus more time to sew, right??  I really appreciate his willingness to help out.

He likes the hat...makes him look like he has more hair...

Our anniversary is in four days, so obviously, this project won't be finished for this year's celebration.  But, I will work on it through the whole 20th year.

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. What a handsome chef you are married to!
    Happy Anniversary!

  2. So glad he feels good about the hair and hat. My husband wouldn't notice. Looks like you are having fun with this quilt. Happy Anniversary to the two of you. Chris

  3. Tee Hee - I think he looks rather hansome in his apron and hat. Happy Anniversary

  4. Wish I had this type of teamwork going on at my house. My husband can't cook at all. But I have a different type of teamwork - I cook and he cleans so I am not complaining. This is going to be such a fun quilt!

  5. Congratulations on your anniversary! And, on another great block!

  6. What a great quilt idea! Happy anniversary!

  7. Love the bar-b-q block with handsome chef!

  8. Thanks for sharing your work, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the blocks during the upcoming year.

    Happy anniversary!

  9. I'm really enjoying these blocks! Congratulations on 20 years!

  10. Fun to see your quilt progress. A labor of love.
    Awesome red dot grill too!!


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