
Thursday, June 27, 2013

2013 Shipshewana Quilt Festival, Part One...

There were some beautiful quilts at the show.  Sit back and let the inspiration wash over you!  I could not use my camera flash, so I did the best I could at the crowded show.

The detail work on this underwater delight was amazing!

I love red-green quilts...

This next one was hanging in a dark place, so my flash-less camera did not capture how vibrant this one was.  I loved the use of the black and white bits of zebra print.

I am not a pink person, but I LOVED this quilt.  The pairing of the light pink background with the orange and red fabrics was fabulous!  And the hand quilting was very nice.

This next one was very cheerful!

One of my VERY FAVORITES is next!

There were such teeny-tiny triangles on these next feathered stars and I LOVED the border hand quilting!

LOVED these horses...

This back story made me cry...and I am a sucker for a beautiful, blue quilt!

I will post more show pictures next time...I have not even gotten to the winners yet!  After getting home and looking at the quality of my photography, I will re-take some on Saturday when I pick up my quilts.

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Oh, my word!!! If these aren't the winners, I don't think I'll be able to stand them. You are so right about that pink background. Who woulda thunk it? And that Casablanca just knocked my socks off.

  2. Gorgeous!! And Beyond! Oh, would love to do a feathered star someday.

  3. I was so disappointed when I went to the flea market the other day to see that the quilt show hadn't started yet! Thanks for sharing the photos so we can feel like we got to see some of it too!

  4. Stunning quilts on display--thanks for the peek into the show Julierose

  5. Wow! I wish I had been into quilting when I lived just a couple hours drive from Shipsewana. I've been to the shop, but never the show. What a wonderful group of quilts you've shared with us. If these aren't in the "winners" I can only imagine how great they will be! Thanks for sharing.

  6. How in heaven's name are these not the winners??? These are stunning. Thanks for sharing.

  7. wow beautiful quilts, always inspiring I really love seeing this quilt show thru your blog,
    thanks for sharing your day with us.
    did you come home inspired to sew more!

  8. That mermaid quilt is truly unbelievable...I can't even imagine the work in that. And it must be really heavy with all that bling on it!

  9. I was able to take two classes in long arm quilting from Claudia Pfeil (see her Magical Mermaid's Castle at the beginning of this post). She is tremendously talented. Didn't she get a ribbon for that entry? Unbelievable.

  10. Wonderful quilts were at this show. Look forward to seeing the winners.Thanks for sharing.

  11. Thanks for taking us along with you to the show. These are amazing. Can't believe Claudia or Marilyn Badget did not win a ribbon of some sort.

  12. Ohh that feathered star quilt is amazing!!!

    Thank you for sharing all those amazing quilts!


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