
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Midwest quilting marathon...

I have been hand quilting EVERY SPARE MINUTE of every day...actually trying to create time at this point.  I am nearly insane, and I was so close to crazy before I started.  Part of me still thinks I can reach my deadline of April 28.  Yep, TOTALLY insane...

I started hand quilting on April 4.  It has been a push.  After basting it, I went to find the longest quilt poles for the frame Steve made me when we first met.  The quilt measures 96 x 96, and of course my longest poles are exactly 96 inches long, so, too short for this quilt...NUTS!

Off to the nice lumber place in Ann Arbor where Steve got those clear Poplar square poles for me 23 years ago.  These are 120 inches long.  I had them custom cut before I thought about how I would get them home in my small Subaru SUV...thank goodness for the moon roof.  I quickly sanded them, sealed them with clear polyurethane, and stapled "ticking" to them.

I then spent 2 days basting.  That gave me time to think about how I would quilt the beast.

I decided on a one inch diagonal grid for the center 36 square feet of the quilt (behind the 16 blocks).  I started out with one inch wide painter's tape, but was having trouble with it sticking to my quilt.  This was mostly because Weasley, my cat, is addicted to tape, and he would untape an area faster then I could stick it down.  I would get up to go to the bathroom and come back to find all tape removed.  I wish he was addicted to soap scum.

So I gave in and decided to use the clover blue pen with the lightest possible line.  I spritz with a spray water bottle as I go to remove the lines.  See all my threads hanging?  I used to leave needles threaded as I moved to another needle, but I can't do that with the cat.  I just leave the long thread tale and come back to it as I roll the quilt.

After spritzing to remove the blue lines, I let the quilted area hang loose and dry before rolling the area around the poles.  I would just shoot myself if mildew grew!  Fortunately, the cat has not discovered the lovely quilted hammock...yet...

I've actually finished the first 400 yard spool of YLI thread now...

The family is being VERY patient, as this frame with the 120 inch poles takes up the entire length (and most of the available width) of the family room.

Sorry not to post more often...I am stitching, stitching, stitching.  On Friday, I will determine whether I push forward, or give up the insane idea of having the quilt finished by April 28.  Then I will check myself into a nice NUT HOSPITAL!

In stitches (and in-SANE!), 
Teresa  :o)


  1. seems perfectly rational to me....coming along soooo nice!

  2. I so admire you hand quilting the beast.. Why is your deadline the end of April?

  3. Oh my, good luck. Your fingers must be raw but it is looking fabulous!

  4. You are just such a brilliant inspiration, I love that the family are having to put up with your frame in the family room.
    The patience you have is to be commended.
    Don't worry about blogging, just keep on stitching, I look forward to seeing it complete.

  5. Oh Teresa! Your a genious and you quilt is exquisite indeed! Such perfection, I am in awe of your work!

  6. why April 28? I never put myself on a time table I want to enjoy it. Remember that just spritzing the blue lines doesn't always take it out - it may just sink into the batting and come back later. I always wash my quilts afterward to make sure all the blue is out. Quilting looks great!

  7. OhMyGoodness! This quilt gets more amazing with each step you share. You have made me laugh this morning with images of your soap scum loving cat! Quilt on, I hope you reach you deadline before you lose your sanity.

  8. Oh Teresa, You are an amazing woman and this is an amazing quilt. I can't believe you are getting it quilted so fast. Love the soap scum remark. I did have a cat that licked dust off the window sills.
    I sure miss her.

  9. Keep at it. You'll be so happy when it's all done.

  10. your such an overachiever! good luck and I know YOU can do this if anyone in this world can its you!

  11. It looks wonderful! Wow - that is a long frame. You really are quite amazing! Good luck!

  12. Oh, what a beautiful quilt. I can't imagine hand quilting something that size that quickly. You sure must have the callouses on your fingers by now but bet they still get sore by the end of the day.

  13. Soooo pretty!! I can't believe you can hand quilt that fast. I am slow as molasses! Weasley and the tape cracks me up. I bet I'd have similar issues. But I've have no chance with the hammock aspect - Clara is BAD about that!!

  14. Oh my goodness, but is that quilt wonderful. I can't believe that your hand quilting it and I'm cheering you on that you make your goal!!

  15. I understand deadlines, but I hope you are spending a little time enjoying the process, too! This is such a stunner, I'd hate for the quilting to be a complete frazzle for you.

  16. It looks amazing. Please, be very careful with the blue pen, keep your quilt out of the sun and rince your quilt in a lot of water when its finished, even with good spritzing as often as possible! Ask me how I know.

  17. Just beautiful! I'm sure you will meet your goal. I agree with the others, be very careful with that blue pen. If you must use a pen, try the air erasable purple ones instead. Green Fairy Quilts uses them with no problems.

  18. Weasley knows how important this quilt is to you, since you are spending all your time with it!!!! They always sense when to be annoying. Your quilting is making this a gorgeous quilt. Good Luck on your goal. There will be time for blogging and soap scum after you are done. I promise the soap scum is just waiting for you.

    What is the deadline?
    good luck it looks beautiful

  20. Is there something special about the date of April 28th that you want to have the quilting done by then?

  21. I think I rember when you did this with the Civil War Bride, so I know you can do it. It is looking beautiful, I love the simple grid behind the applique, it makes it look elegant and the classic it is. By the way, I loved the little video in the last post, it was good to see and hear you, makes me feel I know you a little more. Happy Stitching!

  22. I have no doubt that you can do it!! Go, girl, go!

  23. This is stunning! And I know you will finish it by the 28th !! Julierose

  24. this is so lovely! your quilting lines are wonderful..I usually machine quilt my quilts (and hate doing it). I have been itching to get myself a nice frame like yours and start handquilting more! how do you go about basting the layers? Do you work on the floor or on a table? would love to know.

  25. The quilt looks wonderful. I am so impressed that you are hand quilting it. I am a hand quilter too and my fingers get so sore I can only quilt for about two hours a day before I start making too many mistakes to make it worth while i.e. huge stitches that I have to unpick. How do you do it!? How do you keep your fingers from being raw? Am I just a wimp? I want to cheer you on - wonderful job!

  26. I'm just in awe. It's soooo amazing!

  27. I love it! Are you going to do any quilting in the applique itself?

  28. wow! this is awesome! you can DO it!!!

  29. Oh my, you are resourceful! The wooden poles coming out the roof of your vehicle must have created some puzzled looks. But it's looking wonderful, and all the best on meeting your deadline. 14 days and counting.

  30. Absolutely awesome! So good to see all your pictures of progress. Good luck with the deadline.

  31. Yep -- certifiable!

    But it is wonderful and I am sure you can do it. Can't imagine what your fingers feel like!

  32. I am a big fan of your work. Each quilt gets better and better. If anyone can finish this in time you can. It is an awesome piece of work.

  33. This quilt is amazing! Am I correct in assuming April 28 is the deadline for the Grand Rapids show? I am so excited to see it finished.

  34. I know you can do it Teresa! Anyone who could design and sew a masterpiece quilt like that one can certainly reach any goal she sets her heart and mind too. You go, girl! We're cheering you on.

  35. SEW funny that you wished your cat 'was addicted to soap scum!!'
    You are amazing, some may call it nuts, you may call it nuts, but I believe you just might pull this off!

  36. You are a crazy girl for sure! LOL! I can't even imagine hand quilting that size of quilt of one that's have that size. You go girl! We are all behind you. You can do it!

  37. You amaze me with your talent. I would love to see this quilt in person.
    It is a winner for sure.
    You can do it, you will meet that deadline! I'll be thinking of you!

  38. Your quilt is more amazing as you quilt it. I really admire your determination to finish by April 28. I'm curious why that date? I know it's a signifigant day (my birthday), but I also know this is not a present for me! lol. You made me laugh with your cat and tape problems.

  39. You are amazing Teresa, I can't believe how much you've quilted already, and it's looking fabulous!

  40. Oh Wow.
    Your cat had better be careful. He may end up quilted into the quilt.
    It is just gorgeous.

  41. Every time I see this quilt I am just in awe. I watched your interview -well done. I would love to see you works of art in person!

  42. The cheering squad is here for support....whether you meet you goal or not :0) If you don't get a best in show for this quilt, someone will need to have a talking with the judges!! Amazing my friend.


  43. Absolutely stunning! Do you bind your quilt before quilting? I was also wondering what kind of batting you are using? Good luck with your deadline and the show!

  44. You are amazing! That quilt is just beautiful and your quilting is superb. Truly a blue ribbon +++ effort! You go Girl!

  45. I've been there, and I know you can do it! That stunning quilt will inspire you to finish.

  46. I have been following each step of this quilt and the quilting is outstanding!! Linda in NM

  47. I'm thinking Sauder 's? Can't wait to see it!!!

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  49. You go girl! You can do it, the worse is over, the (ugh) basting part! Take a 5-minute break every hour, i.e., stand up, stretch, rest your eyes, step out on your porch and breath our springtime-fresh Michigan air.

  50. What a amazing work! I love seeing all the pictures and your wonderful stitches!

  51. From where I sit...looks to me like you'll finish! What a wonderful quilt! What's the deadline? YOu have us all wondering. ;)

  52. .....OH GOODY......the quilting part..........


  53. You crazy quilter you!
    How's it coming along?!?
    It looks amazing from here.
    But I don't know how your hands are managing?!?

  54. Looks great to me. Good luck with getting it finished on time.

  55. Teresa, your quilt and quilting is just gorgeous!! I have a 95" square quilt in my frame right now - so I need to get motivated like you and "getter done"!!!

    Happy stitching!!

  56. Your hand quilting is amazing. Keep up the outstanding work.

  57. Oh my....I am in awe. You can DO this!!!!!!!!

  58. Teresa!! That quilt is even more gorgeous than I imagined!! I can't imagine hand quilting something like that.

  59. Do not make yourself insane. Be calm and think happy thoughts while quilting. Your quilting so far is beautiful. Sorry you have a quilting assistant cat. They can be very helpful, or very unhelpful (and YOU know what I mean)! Great job.

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  62. If anyone can do it .... you can! If we were taking bets, I've got my money on you!

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  66. Absolutely Gorgeous. And you are not crazy...just dedicated! Nice work.

  67. This we have in common T, I prefer to hand quilt, but that is where it ends,,lol
    Your quilt is just gorgeous...details are stunning


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