
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

On the "DL" for 2 days, and other nerdy stuff...

It is baseball playoff season and I am finding that I have something in common with Major League Baseball pitchers...I have put myself on the "DL" (disabled list) for a couple of days.  I actually have an applique "boo boo" that needs to heal.

Overlooking my bad manicure, see the skin above my thumbnail?  I keep sticking myself, over and over, with my super-sharp applique needle as I take quick, little stitches.  Ow-WE!  I need a metal guard to wear over the area...I wonder if anyone makes one?!?

With all the little doo-dads that make up some of these musical instruments I have been stitching, I find myself  "choking up" on the bat unstitched little pieces, willing them to stay in place as I stitch.  I've never had this problem before!

When I hand quilt and stick my fingertips repeatedly, I get nice calluses that harden up, protect me, and DON'T BLEED.  This injury bleeds, as I have a knack for sticking the same places...REPEATEDLY, and I have been reminded that "your own spit removes your own blood" from fabric (our mouths have enzymes that only recognize OUR blood and work to remove it!).  We are amazing beings, aren't we?

So, in my down time, I've gone to the bull pen for other things that need to be done. 

My daughter and I created her Halloween mask.  Are any of you out there familiar with "Portal 2," the video game?  She wants to be the evil computer "Glados" (my nerdy daughter can never be anything normal...sigh).

The actual Glados...

What Riley is aiming for...(something like this girl).

She is also happy because she found campaign buttons that combine her love for Dr. Who, Harry Potter, and Nerd Fighters with her choice of Obama for president.

Meanwhile, Weasley is dealing with substance abuse problems.  He can't keep from "stapling" all my quilt pattern zip loc baggies with his sharp kitty teeth (also loves sheet pocket protectors and cellophane tape, the rascal).

 And, he is also strongly attracted to warm, folded laundry.

One final nerdy you know about  You can submit your own original drawings to have printed on fabric, or browse and purchase what other people have submitted.  I found some nerdalific "Dr. Who" and "Portal 2" themed fabrics, destined to be pillowcases for my nerdy 15-yr-old.  (They actually have a category for geek stuff...I love it!)

I also bought a fat quarter for me...some Obama fabric designed by Barbara Brackman (adapted from a repro fabric...).

Really...this is definitely the last thing...I think I have solved my "not being able to comment" problem on Blogger.  I have switched BACK to Internet Explorer as my browser (also made sure the "keep me signed in" box was unclicked).  I used to have problems with this browser, which is why I started using Firefox, but now I have switched back. 

Also, I am getting way too much spam, therefore, I AM TURNING OFF ALLOWING COMMENTS FROM "ANONYMOUS" BLOGGERS.  Sorry, but it was either that or turn on recognition tool, which really discourages people from commenting.  I really like getting comments!  If you are Anonymous," you can always email me with your comments/questions, and I hope I will be able to access you to send a response.  If you don't hear from me, I guess it didn't work.  It's free to get a Google account that allows you to comment on's worth the effort.

Good luck to your favorite play-off baseball teams!  My Atlanta Braves are out, but my Detroit Tigers are still in!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Nice job with the mask! Love her campaign buttons, too. And ugh - I hate it when I destroy my fingers that way with hand stitching. Maybe you could wrap and tie a strip of leather around that part of your finger to protect it?

  2. Nerds unite!! My daughter is 21 years old and we are still making Halloween costumes - This year we had to start in September for an early October party :) We have a lot of fun but it gets really stressful sometimes - Her costumes have to look genuine or she's not happy. She's been (Heath Ledger's) Joker, The "new" Scarecrow, The Onceler from the Lorax, something with a bunny face mask from something called Homestuck and (I think this is right) The Grand High Blood Gamzee (???) And then we get to do it all again in May for the annual Anime Convention :) Your daughter's mask is so cool and we, as Mothers, are still useful!
    I'm loving your new designs - have you tried a little clear nail polish on that spot that keeps getting poked? Or maybe that Nu-Skin stuff?

  3. When I use long applique needles I start to stick myself just as you do. I have quite using them more times than I can count then tell myself to try them again - I always go back to my short quilting/piecing needles instead - I tend to use my short between #11 for everything.

  4. I get the same injury even with hand quilting and stitching bindings - use my thumbnail as guide so that volnerable spot is on target. I have used the tiny round band-aids and sometimes you can find really tiny rectangle or square ones.

  5. Ouch!! I regularly stick myself there too as I work on my vines but my thumb looks nothing like yours - OUCH! I hope a day or so of resting it will have it feeling better. A protector is a good idea - let me know if you find one.
    That mask is pretty amazing!

  6. You've got one creative girl there! Her costume is impressive! She takes after her talented designing mom - I think!

    And,...not to suggest the obvious, but how about a Band Aid or some duct tape on that thumb LOL (Some people in the Midwest use duct tape for everything else!) - OK maybe surgical tape - for sensitive skin or ?? It looks like you are proof that beauty (beautiful quilt blocks) can be painful! With all those tiny pieces, there had to be a price to pay for excellence! lol Honestly - sorry about the stabbings - and that they are limiting your full participation and enjoyment in your favorite pastime!

  7. Disclaimer - I live in the Midwest - so no disrespect intended to non-duct tape users.

  8. I apply some clear nail polish over an area of my finger and wait until it hardens and then sew away. It peels off easily and sometimes, I just leave it there for a few days, peel off that layer and then apply more nail polish for another go at sewing.

  9. I use a smaller needle and also super glue over the area might help protect it. I hate it when the needle goes under the nail into the quick. That hurts forever. Good luck on getting it to heal. Chris

  10. Sorry to hear about your hurt thumb; (mine is from trying to play large chords on my piano w/my left hand--it doesn't span like it used to)--doggone it!! I really love all your instrument blocks--just fabulous!! That mask is awesome--you are just so creative!! Get better soon...Julierose

  11. I'm thinking you need a metal ring around that area as a deflector! OUCH!

  12. OUCH!!!! Sounds like something I'd do. Hope you find a solution soon.

  13. For you boo-boo, try some masking tape around your finger. I used that when I'm quilting: you still feel the needle, without the skin injury. And it is really cheap.

  14. Hi There Teresa. Just a suggestion for your finger, have you seen 'Thimble-it' it is a packet which contains a couple of sheets of oval shaped adhesive plastic pads, I use them for my finger pushing the needle instead of a thimble they work great, I am sure you could stick one over this area really easily to avoid any more pricks. (they are flexible and re-useable, they are so comfy that sometimes I forget I have it on my finger :-))

  15. A link if you are interested.

  16. What is it with cats and plastic bags? Mine is constantly doing this and it drives me crazy!


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