
Monday, July 23, 2012

Teenie-tiny flowers...

I have managed to do a little glue prepping on my secret project...LOTS of tiny, challenging pieces, but with this applique method, I am up to the challenge!  I now have about twenty large blocks drafted...I like how they look on paper, and I've got 3 fifteen inch blocks glue-basted and ready to stitch.  I think I will be pushing the envelope with my glue method on some of these blocks...the pieces are so TINY!

I hope I can show you more of this project soon, but I have created (drafted) something I have never seen before in the quilting world (just when I thought EVERYTHING had been done...), and I want to copyright the designs after I see if they work in fabric as well as they do on paper

I hate to be a tease...just afraid of the Internet.  Mostly, I just hate to have nothing more than these little snippets to share with you!  I am giddy with excitement about the project!

Since I hate choosing fabric, I am choosing not to choose.  I'm just using every fabric I can lay my hands on.  It's like going to a dinner buffet and having a little bite...of EVERYTHING!  (and NO calories!)


In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. The excitement mounts as you work on it I am sure. Obviously you are having fun with this. Good luck on your efforts anxious to see the project. Chris

  2. I am excited to see what you come up with. Good idea to keep it under wraps until you are ready!

  3. Lovely colors. Can't wait to see what you've come up with.

  4. Whatever you are up to, it is going to be fun/cheerful. Can't wait.

  5. I have tried the glue method as you are doing and find it so tedious - the end result is very neat but I think I will stick with needle turn. I am waiting with anticipation to see what you have come up with that you are not showing right now!

  6. Looks great so far, I can't wait to see more!

  7. I am an applique-wanna-be-type quilter. I love it, but have not forced myself to be patient enough to do it well. It's exciting to see how excited you are about your project! Good luck with it!

  8. Very pretty, bright fabrics for some wonderful play - look forward to what is up your sleeve.

  9. Oh, I'm excited for you!! You do such wonderful applique work. I am so intimidated by it, particularly the little pieces.

  10. OK, you tease. ;D Can't wait to see what you're up to over there!

  11. Awesome applique.Can´t wait to see more!!

  12. are you doing needle turn or machine applique?

  13. The little peeks you've shown are wonderful!! I think you choose fabrics very well. I look forward to when you can show us more :0)

  14. love those flowers and your random fabric choices are perfect.

  15. Sneak peaks are good. I think you are smart to wait, but I know you want to share. Maybe be you can just do word documents as you go and save them. Then when you are all finished you (and we) will have a written history of each block as you make it. I can not wait to see this!
    Happy Stitching Teresa!

  16. Very excited to see what you have designed foe these pretty colors.

  17. I'm sure that's very wise of you. But what you're showing is mighty pretty!

  18. You are a tease, aren't you?! I don't blame you for your being leery of the internet. It's looking great so far.

  19. Oh my girlfriend! We only get a small tasty morsel???? What part we get to taste is yummy!!

    You are wise to keep it under wraps, yes indeedy!!!

  20. So far so GREAT!! I love your colors and the teenier the better. I can't wait to see your grand unveiling.

  21. Oh Teresa, that sounds so exciting, your enthusiasm is infectious. The sneek peek looks fabulous but yes definitely keep it secret.


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