
Monday, July 16, 2012

The "no" easy button...

I'm still here...lots of challenges to contend with lately and precious little free time...crap, crap, crap.  I'm sorry that Fabric Therapy has been so quiet.  I've done precious little personal sewing for the past few months, and I have trouble posting about nothing.  There have been some difficult issues to deal with as well no time for personal sewing...all adding up to make me cranky.  I don't know about you, but I don't feel like creating nuttin' when I am cranky.

I started blogging as a little thing I did for myself, and I have surely missed it!  Not that I ever thought I had anything to say that anyone else would want to read, but mostly because blogging is like talking to an imaginary quilting buddy.  I love quilting and I want to do and talk about it all the time.

When I feel icky, whacking up fabric and sewing it back together is the best therapy...when there is no time to do that, I feel ickier.  I've been coming up with a list of  rules...rules I need to follow at keep time in my life for the sport I love...rules to tape everywhere in my house so I will remember to follow them.

#1 -  I can't fix anyone else's problems.
#2 -  Just because I have the ABILITY to do something doesn't mean I HAVE to do it.
#3 -  Put my own oxygen mask on first - make a little time everyday for exercise and stitching.
#4 -  It's OK to say "no." (I now have a partner in this effort...the "no" easy button pictured at the top of this post, from my local Hallmark store...)
#5 -  Be thankful for every day...each day has at least something in it that is a gift.

I know I am totally stressed when all I want to do is sit in the quilt cave and snip fabric scraps even smaller with my KICK-ASS scissors that I got for Christmas (thank you, Ola!!).  I think snipping fabric into tiny shapes is my version of sitting, rocking back and forth, and mumbling nonsensically while drooling. 

I just LOVE these Karen Kay Buckley scissors with the "micro serrated edges."  All those tiny teeth just pull the fabric into the scissor blades instead of push it away (like my smooth, sharp shears do...).  I love the little snips as well...same tiny teeth...chomp, chomp.  And I have not lost the scissor guards...yet...BONUS!

Between the chaos, I've been teaching some classes, some that I scheduled before I knew how nuts life would become and some where I've been subbing for a quilting buddy who just got 2 new knees (keep up the great physical therapy, Mary!!).  I've managed to prep samples for those, but sometimes at the last minute in a huge rush (accompanied by more mumbling and drooling...).  Famous last words (these may be on my tombstone some day): "Oh, THAT won't take long to prepare..."

Dumb ass...I guess I need a Rule #6 -  DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING FOR THE LAST MINUTE!

I'm good in a crisis, but it is EXHAUSTING to live every day in one!

Thank goodness for my magic box...when I can't get down to the quilt cave and can do a little hand work, I have either been gluing edges under on little baskets, getting them ready to place on background squares, hand-stitching some down, or trimming around the ironed-on freezer paper patterns for the next batch (with my KICK-ASS scissors!).

I'm still cranking on this long term project...I've pinned some of the finished blocks on my design wall, along with some of the baskets awaiting being paired with a background square.

Thank you for your emails of support during my unplanned absence from blogging.  I may still be spotty until mid-August...or I may post, but not be in town to respond.  Please be patient...I have missed you!  Life should return to a more normal and manageable level of chaos by then...(grin). 

In stitches (again...finally!),
Teresa  :o)


  1. Oh, I do know how life can get in the way of blogging and even quilting. I started the basket project a month or so ago and only have something like 22 of them done, but seeing yours just makes me want to crank a few more out!! Of course like most everyone, I've planned this quilt to be a long term project and to work on it during the evenings while watching tv with the family and such. Love your baskets!

  2. You have been missed, but we're all playing nicely and will behave until you return. It's good to hear from you. I think we can all relate to times like these when life just whisks you away. I'm glad to hear that you are finding small bits of time to work on those darling baskets. I know that for me, any stitching at all keeps me from going off the deep end in the midst of chaos. Looking forward to when things slow down for you.

  3. Glad to hear from you!!!! Have thought of you and kept checking in. Love that button now you need to learn how to use it!!!! I need to get out my baskets too! Take some time for you self everyday you deserve it.

  4. It is good to hear from you. When I do not see any posts for a long time I always wonder if somone is sick or some diaster has fallen on the family. Glad to know you are still "kicking ass" and snipping fabric. I have the Karen Buckley scissors also and I love them, love them, love them, too!

    Take care of yourself and keep smiling.

  5. Oh my, I think I could have written this've accurately described my last couple months and the several upcoming ones. We are sorting thru 22 years of stuff, stuff to storage and working nonstop on all the home improvement projects that we've either started or been meaning to start in the last 22 years. All in preparation to move from the beautiful, green side of the Pacific northwest to the barren, brown dry side. Dh will be working in the middle of nowhere and we will be living 30 mies away in "almost the middle of nowhere". I am so not looking forward to this. I look at my sewing room, yet to be tackled and just cry.......

  6. I was just thinking of you today (and yesterday, and the day before.....)- so glad you popped in. Love the list and keep to it. Yes, learn the word NO and NO and NO.

  7. It's so nice to hear from you. I was thinking about you as well this weekend, and was going to send an email if you didn't post soon! I love your "rules" and think i'm going to adopt the same philosophy!

  8. Gosh I love those baskets! I have finished a grand total of one! Well, it's a start :) Hang in there Teresa - We're all rooting for you!!!

    Pam P

  9. Glad to hear you are gettin' back in the saddle . It's so tough, when times are rough. I love your little baskets--they look amazing all together on the wall. Hang in there...Julierose

  10. good to hear you are still alive and kicking even if things are not going the way you want. It took me a while to learn to say No but now I don't usually have a problem saying it.
    Take care.That sure is a lot of cute baskets.

  11. We've missed you. Take care and we will be here when you get back!

  12. How wonderful to know that you are alive and well enough to grumble about not having enough time to sew! I loved your post! Keep pounding that "NO" button when other people want you to solve their crises.

  13. So glad to her from you. Just hang in there and this, too, shall pass. Please try to take a few minutes each day, or as often as you can, just for yourself. Then you'll be better to handle the chaos.


  14. Sometimes life gets a bit overwhelming. It's usually at those times we realize what is the most important to us and what we can actually handle. Peer pressure can sometimes almost put us over the edge, but once you learn to say "No", it does get easier. The people around you will also start to realize that they like it better when you are not as stressed and will not ask so much of you. And you will be able to say "No", smile....and be totally happy with yourself for having that strength to do it. Take care of yourself....Hugs Ariane

  15. I have missed hearing what you have to say. I, too, have not been blogging much because my old computer doesn't "play nice" with blogger and I can't download any pictures. What fun is it to blog without pictures, I ask you? Hope yhe things that are making you cranky are resolved soon.

  16. It's good to have you back, Teresa, you're one of my favorite "imaginary quilty friends" which is what I,too,call the blogs I follow. We'll talk again when you have the time. :)

  17. Isn't it funny how quilting has become a NEED? I tend to get pretty cranky, too, if I can't sew. But then again, sewing IS my therapy! Glad you're still there. And glad you got a NO button!

  18. I've missed you too! We will all still be here to share your stitching adventures when your life gets back to normal. Your baskets are wonderful! Hugs Janet

  19. Glad to hear a peep out of you. Stopped by the store weeks ago, but you weren't there. Am now in Maine;so glad to have Internet connection so I can hear from my friends. Keep cool and just say no! Keep on cuttin and stitchin too.

  20. Missed you, sounds like a good set of rules. The basket quilt is coming along beautifully. take care of you!!!

  21. Here's a heart felt hug from an imaginary friend just for you.......*hhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggggggg*

  22. I look forward to reading your blog and seeing pictures of your work. Peace to you.

  23. Glad you are okay and back to blogging when you can. I look forward to reading what you have to say and seeing your awesome projects. Take care and hugs!

  24. Glad to see a post - hope things smooth out quickly for you!

  25. Yeeee--owwweeee....Yippee.....SHE'S A-L-I-V-E!!!!

    It is sooo good to hear from you and to know that is was ONLY LIFE that got in the way!!

    Your Rule #2 is the one that always gets me.....about what others expect of me.

  26. Hang in there, T! Nice rules, by the way. I ought to study those carefully.

    All I can say is that I'm glad I have my own version of the magic box. Haven't blogged or sewn for fun much lately.

    Today I must finish that binding I took on so Ola can get ready for the shop hop. Pray my hand doesn't cramp!

  27. So glad you're back finalyy. I know exactly what you mean about feeling 'ickier' when not able to handle fabric. I just call it extreme frustration.

  28. Welcome back. I hope you can stay awhile. Love your basket quilt. It is coming along great. I have those kick ass scissors too. Love 'em.
    Happy stitching.


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