
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Practical magic...

It's no secret that I love YLI silk thread for hand stitching my applique blocks.  It is fine, strong, and nearly invisible - it is kind of like sewing with human hair.  But I find that it tangles off the spool (not while sewing) like MY human hair, and my spools are usually surrounded by a cloud of loose thread that resembles 'Pig Pen' from the 'Peanuts' comic strip.  Desperate for a quick solution, I remembered I still had some of my daughter's hair do-dads from when she was a little girl.  One worked so well, I ran out and bought a whole bunch!

The Goody Co. has the best, simplest ones, and one pack (of 42!) was only $2.49 at my local grocery store...that's just under $0.06 a piece!  That's a bargain at twice the price!

One will work, or you can put two on a spool.  With two or three on a spool, you don't have to keep moving the do-dad to cover the thread tail.  They also fit sewing machine bobbins and slender spools of regular sewing thread.

If you want to get all fancy, you can match do-dad color to spool color (until you get to the browns...).  I've stored the extra ones in a baggie until I go down to the quilt cave and fix the remaining silk spools.

I like the larger ones on my spool of YLI glazed hand quilting thread.  I usually double or triple the do-dad and it works perfectly.  I've been using one on my quilting thread for a couple of years...I can't believe it took me so long to remember the little do-dads for the silk thread...

I wonder how many human inventions came from someone being annoyed?!?

A week or so ago, I finally had dinner with 3 girlfriends (Ola, Mary J and Beth) and we celebrated Christmas and my birthday.  We grabbed attention in the Ruby's Restaurant as we opened little gifts...serious and silly (the singing and dancing elf and Santa hats were particularly fun in public!).  Beth's HUSBAND found the following little trinket for all of us at the AUTO PARTS STORE...a magnetic nut and bolt holder that works great for pins.  The base is even magnetic, so it will hold pins up-side-down and in tight places.  Brilliant!!

It just goes to show you that quilting tools can be found practically anywhere!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. I use these too - and get the snappy hair clips at the $ store instead of the quilt binding clips - same thing. I like the magnet dish - will look for one of those.

  2. Thank you! These are great ideas!!!

  3. I have used the little pony tail holders on bobbins but for some reason never thought to use them on the spools of thread - thanks for the idea!

  4. Thanks for the great tip on the ponytail holders! My step son in a jet engine mechanic and has given me several magnetic devices for my sewing room...they work great!

  5. Off to the .99cent store to pick some up!!! I have used the magnetic bowls from the hardware store for years. I have them in different sizes and a plus is that they are strong enough to stick to my ironing board!

  6. What a great idea for any threads! I'm definitely headed for the dollar store to get some.

  7. Wow! What fantastic tips. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. I keep forgetting how handy those Goody hair bands can be for loose threads. I need to get some!

    I have done a little bit of hand applique. My instructor, Jan Vaine, shared with us that YLI #235 blends with most colors. Sue mentioned in her comment above about the knot at the needle eye. Jan showed us how to do that one too but I forgot. Need to figure that one out again!

  9. Great idea for the silk thread. I too use YLI and love it and this would be great for when I don't want to carry my box full of them.

  10. I love that idea, I definitely need them so thank you for the tip. I've already stolen my mechanic husbands magnetic wand for finding pins, I must check out his garage, lol

  11. I use a magnetic knife rack to store my scissors and other steel tools.

  12. These are great tips .... thanks for sharing!

  13. What a practical idea. I like how you matched the hair band to the thread color.

  14. great use for the little hair bands.

  15. I use YLI silk thread, too, for hand applique. It is wonderful to work with and I wouldn't use anything else. I usually just pop up the top (or bottom portion)of the spool, put my thread end in the seam, and pop the top back down. Works like a charm.

  16. Those silk thread spools were driving me crazy! so I wound them onto cheap bobbins and put them in a donut shaped bobbin holder .. they don't fall out .. they don't unravel .. and I can easily transport them .. oh and I can see all the colors that I have :-)

    Love your blog!


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