
Monday, December 5, 2011

"Crock Pot" quilt project...

Happy Monday!  I've been slowly finishing these Blackbird Design hand-appliqued baskets.  This is my "CROCK POT" project - it is a SLOW COOKER!!!  (get it?!?)  This quilt was inspired by the book "When the Cold Wind Blows" from Blackbird Designs.  I keep a number of the blocks prepped and ready to go in my magic box, along with thread, scissors, etc.  I work on them in meetings, in the car waiting for my daughter, and in small cracks of time.  The finished ones were piling up, so I decided it was time to soak the glue out, press them dry, and trim to the final unfinished size of the block, 5.5 inches...

...and COUNT them...

...I've finished 126.  I don't really know how many I am going to make.  I am going to make a bed-sized quilt.  I think the one in the book has about 300 blocks in it.  I'm encouraged that I had to fill my tables more than twice to photograph all of them.  I've been at this a while, and I will be at it a bit longer, it seems...

I am using only reproduction fabrics - basket fabrics appearing only once, each neutral featured more than once.  I started out cutting brown baskets, then gold/cheddar baskets, then black ones, then red ones, then green.  I've got more red, green and black ones prepped, then I will start cutting out blue baskets, then maybe the pinks and double pinks.

The quilt in the book only featured gold/cheddar, brown and black baskets, but I thought I would expand the pallet a bit.

I so love the fabrics!  I figure this quilt will be a snapshot of my repro fabric stash at this moment in time.  I love ALL works and I don't have to make any fabric decisions.

Thank you for all your suggestions on the free-pieced scrappy hearts that I posted about last time.  I've had a little computer trouble and not responded to your comments...I hope to do that soon now that things are working again.  I hope to devote an evening this week to putting the hearts together with my log cabin blocks to birth a completed quilt top.

I've also been making more blocks of the scrappy bright and black flip-and-sew project.  Don't you just love the fabric with the woman's head on it??  I think that was a Jo Morton fabric...

And "Boxer Rebellion" (a.k.a. the underwear quilt) is nearly completely hand quilted! 

Baby steps...

Lots of baby steps...on EVERYTHING!  Quilt projects, stronger lungs/health every day, return to the walking program and weight loss, original quilt pattern's a good thing I am a patient person, in for the long haul.  Nothing in my life is accomplished quickly these days.

As much as I love the holidays, they are difficult on many levels.  There is a lot of need for fabric therapy in my life right now with the Christmas season and some difficult issues ongoing in my extended family.  But I'm sure I'm not alone and the only one thinking this way.  I'm trying to focus this December on the things about the holidays that make me smile...children singing, outdoor Christmas lights, handmade ornaments, jingle bells, seasonal music, candlelight, random acts of kindness, hot homemade soup, my daughter and husband, and my cat scheming to get the ornament with the peacock feather on it (I won't be smiling if he climbs the Christmas tree to get it...).  Me-OW!!

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. I love this quilt and seeing all the red baskets makes me think about doing one in just red and white. I'm with you about Christmas, trying to enjoy the decorations, food and family and not worry quite so much about gifts. My life has been stressful enough and this season really isn't supposed to be about adding to that. Hope you are able to get your much needed fabric therapy.

  2. Very nice blocks that deserve time. yes, stressful time and I think you have the right priorities.

  3. Your baskets are so enjoyable to look at. I have cut out the freezer paper for them.....just need to decide what colors I want to do them in. You have inspired me to get started. I will be doing mine in reproduction fabrics like yours also.

  4. It takes lots of persistence to make enough of the basket blocks for a bed size quilt. You are well on your way. I made one of the blocks!

  5. Love the term, 'crock-pot-quilt'. One day, I hope to make a basket quilt, but it will have to be appliqued on machine, since my arthritis will not me make many by hand. Be sure and keep us posted on your progress.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  6. I think we've all had a "crock-pot-quilt". I love yours. Your baskets are so adorable. Hugs, Cathy in MI

  7. Love all those wonderful little baskets! Your stash is impressive indeed. I can't wait to see the finished quilt, but if you're patient enough to applique all those tiny baskets, I can be patient waiting to see it.

  8. Gorgeous baskets, Teresa. And I do love that one with the ladies on it....and the green one 2 pics above it! Love it! I think you're right....that a lot of people are just trying to make it through the holidays. I think focusing on those wonderfully fun special moments really does help. Way too much time and energy is spent on feeling like we 'have' to do certain things! Nope.....just enjoy what you love doing. And stitching is the BEST! Yay!

  9. What a great idea to work in groups of colour! Tehy're all wonderful, I even recognise some of the fabrics as ones I have in my baskets.

  10. speaking of crock pots, I need to get supper started! love the baskets, love the line about my stash at this time. I have a few of those quilts and love looking at what excited me at the time. cw

  11. I love your baskets..I'm making a basket quilt too, got my pattern out of book from the library. Mine are only going to finish at 4" and I think it will only be a doll quilt. Yours is really lovely, will be anxious to see how big it will get..great work.

  12. So many blocks already done. They are all looking lovely too. I think I might pull mine out after seeing this post. Thanks.

  13. It's lovely. Basket quilts are my favorite. It will be so incredible on your bed. Congrats on your persistence.

  14. I love your baskets; it makes me want to pull mine out and do just a few. I don't have near as many as you do, and I like your idea of working in colors. That is the way my repros are stored so it would be easier that way.

  15. Hey, I'm always game for 'crock pot' usage, even when quilting!! Thanks for showing some with close up photos! I bet you could almost do some of these in your sleep....wouldn't that be great if we could do that!!
    I know the holidays seem to magnify things concerning 'families'. I too am having to take baby step at a time with a certain someone who has been absent from our lives for nearly 5 yrs and suddenly called! I am slow, cautious but taking baby steps!!! I think it will be a good thing!

  16. Hope the family issues resolve quickly. The holidays are always a mix of emotions, right?
    I adore these baskets - they are so beautiful and the colors are all wonderful. I'm in awe that you have made so many!

  17. Oh boy! you sure did make a lot of those baskets. I just love them all. So fun to look at each fabric you chose for each one.

  18. Your baskets are so sweet....loved being able to look at the different fabrics. Saw a lot of Jo Morton shirtings.... and of course the Jo's Little Women. You are going to love love love that quilt when you get to 325+..... and you will one day.... mine... only 4 baskets and like you I want a bed quilt... you will finish before me. :-)

  19. Just beautiful. I am doing one too in all red baskets on cream/white shirtings. I have 7 appliqued and 143 waiting. Great job. Can't wait to see the finished quilt!


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