
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sauder Village 2011 Quilt Show - Part 1

I am shocked and humbled that "All Around the Town" (pattern by Sue Garmon) took Best of Show Wall Hanging.  Here it is, hanging on point, at the show.  I will get some better pictures tomorrow when the show is not so crowded...I want to get one that is oriented "right side up" so that it looks square again, also some close ups.  Some of you know what I went through to get it square, LOL!!

My "Wickedly Liberated" took a second place ribbon in the Bed Quilts: Large Pieced-Machine Quilted category.  It was custom machine quilted by Marilyn Lange of Ypsilanti, Michigan, a friend in my stitch group.  Again, hard to photograph on a busy day...I will do better tomorrow, I hope.  It is about 93 inches square, so it is hard to photograph when you can not back up enough!  (And definitely hard to photograph in my little house).  It took two pictures at the show to be able to read the borders!


This free-pieced adventure was the result of a liberated lady block swap in my Friday morning Sit and Stitch group.  My friend Mary J made witches, so I knew I had to come up with a quilt that incorporated my daughter's love of "Wicked" and "The Wizard of Oz."  I came up with some free-pieced doggies, a few trees, a witch hat, and a house fallen on a witch to round out the theme.  Then I tried Tonya's free-pieced letters in the border (Lazy Gal Quilting).


My friend, Cheryl G (no blog) took two first place ribbons.  The first one was for "Labor of Love/Double Wedding Ring" in the Bed Quilts: Pieced-Hand Quilted category.  She made this for her daughter as a wedding gift.

Her second win was in the Bed Quilts: Small Pieced-Hand Quilted category.  It is called "Solace," and it was custom machine quilted, again, by Marilyn Lange.

Mary J (no blog) took three ribbons!  Two were Honorable Mentions in the Bed Quilts: Mixed Technique-Machine Quilted category.  This is "It's a Dog's Life," which incorporates redworked pooches with pieced diamonds and a paw print border.  Ola R (no blog) drew additional doggie patterns to make this quilt bigger and bark to life.  It was quilted by Rhonda Loy of  Dexter, Michigan in an allover doggie pattern.

 Here are a few of the lovable pups - Mary is an excellent stitcher.

And the border...

The second HM ribbon in the same category went to "Mulligan Stew" (the Hobo quilt).  It was machine quilted by Rhonda Loy of Dexter, Michigan.

Here is the back, where she used a train to display some additional information about the life of hobo's.

This is Mary's third quilt, which took a second prize ribbon in the Bed Quilts: Appliqued-Machine Quilted category.  It is called "Tidings," a design by Nancy Halvorsen.  It is custom machine quilted by Marilyn Lange of Ypsilanti, Michigan.

A couple of the blocks...she does really nice raw edge applique with machine blanket stitch...

My friend Margit McPhee took a second place ribbon in the Bed Quilts: Small Pieced-Machine Quilted category with "Buggy Barn Baskets."  This was custom machine quilted by Marilyn Lange as well.

I have so many more pictures to share with you!  Stay tuned for LOTS more eye candy in my next few posts.

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Hi Teresa!
    What a fun quilt show! And even more so to have winning quilts!! Someday I hope to put out a quilt of that quality...but until then, I just add some extra love and "oh and ahh" over other's blue ribbons. I figure mine will be the ones in 50 years the quilter's will be shaking their head and saying "what was she thinking?" like we do with some vintage quilts!!

    Deb from

  2. Congrats on getting Best in Show. It is an awsome quilt.

  3. Congratulations, Teresa! After all that work, I'm so glad your quilts did so well! I remember when you had the glue crisis (groan). I can't wait to see more pics!

    I'm fascinated by "It's a dog life". Did your friend embroider these from a purchased pattern? Enjoy the show and the ribbons!


  4. I can't believe they hung a quilt on point! That is a first for me. Congratulations to all you ladies for your wonderful entries into the show and doing so well, most deserving. I cannot wait to see the rest of the quilt show.

  5. Congratulations on your win for All Around Town. I went to the show at Sauder Village today and spent a good deal of time studying it up close. Your appliqué is exceptional. I was pleased to see that you gave Sue credit for the pattern.
    While looking at Wickedly Liberated I heard some great comments about it. It seemed like everyone loved it.

  6. What wonderful quilts!!! I can certainly see why they won.. and I look forward to seeing your next post..gosh how exciting!!

  7. A big, big congratulations! I thought all along that the town quilt deserved to be a winner.


    What wonderful quilts! Thank you for sharing.

  9. Congrats on your ribbons. I know I really enjoyed your photo process for All Around the Town, so I am glad to see a ribbon on it! :)

  10. Congratulations!!! great job - yes strange that they have it hanging on point after all the trouble you went through to make sure it is square!!

  11. Wow Teresa Congratulations, you deserve every bit of that with all that amazing work you put into this divine quilt. Lovely photos to see, I love the hobo quilt too. xo

  12. Great job everyone, when your friends win, you feel like you have won too! cw

  13. I'm not the least bit surprised it got Best of Show!!! CONGRATULATIONS! :D :D And I sure do love your Wickedly quilt as well.

  14. Congratulations on the ribbon. I loved watching you make that awesome quilt.

  15. Big lot of clapping going on here, congratulations to you and all the winners. These are some very special quilts.

  16. Congratulations, you deserved it as its a beautiful quilt. All the other quilts are great!

  17. Congratulations...what an absolutely amazing show...can't wait to see more!

  18. Congratulations!!! I'm not surprised at all - your around town is such a winner!
    congrats to you and all your friends on the ribbons, but even more, on making wonderful, wonderful quilts!
    Can't wait to see more photos. what a great show!

  19. Congratulations on your win! I am not surprised you took first place on that one -- you put so much heart into that quilt and it shows. Well deserved!

    I'm loving all the quilts here (that "Dogs Life" is too cute!) This must have been a great show. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  20. You hang out with very talented friends, tell them all congratulations.

  21. Congratulations, Theresa! After all the work you put into it, I'm not surprised at all that you won Best of Show for that beautiful wallhanging. I am so inspired to try to make one similar and can't thank you enough for all your posts on how you did it.

  22. Congratulations Teresa, a well deserved win. What a talented group of quilters you all are...

  23. Well done to all of you. I just knew your "All about the Town" was going to be a winner.

  24. I absolutely agree, you deserve it! On point, how perfect for a quilt with 4 right sides.

  25. Whooo Hoooo! So well deserved....

  26. Congratulations again Teresa!! I suppose they hung your quilt on point because they just couldn't decide which way was up LOL.

    Your friends quilts are wonderful too. Really loved the Solace quilt.

    You guys certainly kept Marilyn busy :0)


  27. Congratulations!!! Your quilt looks fabulous, even on point. Whatever way you look at it, it's great!

  28. I just discovered your blog today and read the whole thing! LOL I too made the Bunnies Love Chocolate quilt and got stalled on the border. I love all your quilts and am glad you're a hand quilter. Thanks for the tutorial -- gave me some hints and tips I can use for my next applique quilt

  29. Teresa ~ Congratulations ~ I am so happy for you ~ I loved watching you work on that quilt

  30. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Teresa your quilts are absolutely stunning, both of them - beautiful.

  31. A big CONGRATULATIONS to you on your ribbons. Best of Show!! that is totally awesome. I am so happy for you and for you friends too. What a thrill.
    Thanks for sharing the virtual quilt show. Some really great quilters.

  32. Congrats on the ribbons - whoohoo!!!! of course I'd have given the blue ribbon to Wickedly Liberated!!!!!!!


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