
Friday, February 4, 2011

Wordless catch and sheep

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. You are extremely clever and your quilting talents astound me! I've just started following your blog a couple weeks ago and I've gotten all caught up with past posts and look forward to new ones. Please don't stop!!!! LOL Come visit me if you like, I just started my blog last year!!! BTW, love the pumpkins but you'll see why if you read my blog!!!

  2. Teresa, You are a genius! When I took the time to go through your archives, I saw that you are a hand appliquer and that is why I did not understand your wordless posts. My hat is off to you! Your work is just beautiful, and you certainly do not shy away from very involved projects!!
    Next time I will try to not let my mouth override my brain and check things out before I comment!!
    Love your work and love your block (and you stash!!)
    diana in Illinois

  3. I love the wheelbarrow of fish!! My son would love to come home with a haul like that LOL


  4. such tiny pieces!!! how do you do it?
    do you use silk? what sized needle?
    wonderful stuff

  5. I have a newbie question. Your pieces are so small.. but I am trying to tell what method you are using. Are you using fusible to do your applique? If so, do you still stitch it down after that? Thank you for your help.. I love the shape of the things that you are doing!

  6. How cute. You are going to have a masterpiece
    when you are finished.
    May I ask where you learned your techique, you are so fast?
    Look forward to the next one.

  7. Love your pictures! That was a great way to showcase what you're doing. I really enjoyed reading about your stash and seeing those pics, too. It's an awesome system. If I started now, I might have it organized by the end of the year, but I still don't know where I'd put it! I hope to have a house with a basement next year, and that's been my plan for quilt studio, retreat area, quilting machine - ah, dreams! Your pics helped me see how that could really be done even more usefully than my drawer system - the one in storage!

  8. Teresa, you are making this quilt come alive! I've always admired this pattern, but I love seeing how much fun you are having with it. Thanks for sharing.


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