
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Finished my block a little late...

I finally finished Tara's block for the Bee Balm blog sewing bee.  I feel like I'm moving through molasses this month!  I love the design she picked.  Each HST finishes to 4 inches, so the whole block will finish to 16 inches.  I finished it on the last day of January, but I wanted to have it mailed and in Tara's hands by the end of the month.  I don't know what happened to January...

February is my month to have these talented ladies from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA make blocks for me.  I've been thinking about this since Christmas, and I was having a hard time thinking of a project.  Then it hit me!  (Actually, it nearly fell on me...)

I was pulling another bin off an upper shelf and THIS bin, containing a UFO, nearly fell on me!  Since I decided at the beginning of the year that I was going to have to come to some serious decisions about old UFOs, I thought I might figure a way to recycle the blocks into a fabulous new project.  How's THAT for shopping your stash?!?

I admit it, I'm human, when a project loses its sex appeal, it becomes a UFO on the shelf.  Some projects, the ones we stay excited about and manage to finish, have some spark, some deeper connection that gives us the staying power to get it done.  What makes one project hit the mark and another one miss so completely??

This UFO was going to be a quilt like my friend Margit was making.  She found this project in a quilt magazine and made hers with feed sack/30's prints and a solid, classic 30's blue, kind of like the magazine sample.

When I saw Margit's project, done with blue and 30's fabrics, I LUSTED after it (I think I was actually drooling...). I couldn't wait to go home and start rifling through my 30's fabrics. And of course, I had to make it queen size.  Then the practical person that lives inside of me spoke up and said, "don't do it with doesn't go with the house." I hate that person sometimes...she is a real kill joy, a total party pooper.  I want to stuff her in a trunk and throw away the key.

I LOVED the's my favorite color...but I thought that a classic, muted, solid 30's green would be safer.  Big mistake.  I never really liked the results and lost interest in it.  I got a quarter of it pieced and set it aside. 

The blue really set off the bright, happy 30's fabrics.  Margit's looked so crisp and made the 30's blocks stand up and say "hi there!"  The green just made the whole project look and feel depressing.  Maybe if I had picked "that green," that bright green that was so popular in the 1930's, it might have worked.  But the green I picked was a gray-ish green, very nice, but didn't set off those cheerful 30's fabrics very well.

I spent a lot of time painstakingly cutting out 3 inch squares from every 30's fabric that I had at the time (I do love scrappy)...I was practically rolling around in the floor on them, like my!  It was quite a spectacle, a definite love fest.  I didn't want to waste all that effort, the experience (grin), or all those fabulous 30's fabric squares!  (I still remember what movie I was watching while doing that powerful and twisted, or what?)

Anyway, I've come up with a plan to put the "sexy" back into this UFO and the packets of fabrics went out this morning!  I'll share the idea here when I get blocks back in a couple of months.

Ola's secret Santa gave her a sweet treat on Tuesday at the shop and I just have to share it with you.

Isn't this the cutest??  Ola has a chocolate lab named "Dutch" and Mary Liz designed this beautiful little stocking featuring the big bruiser (oops!  I guess Santa is not so secret anymore...).

Mary Liz allowed me to take her picture with it to share.  Remember how I said recently that to become a better quilter, hang out with other talented quilters?  Mary Liz is definitely that!  She turned me onto using Elmer's glue sticks to turn my edges under for hand applique.  She is also a superb technical writer and does the newsletter for the shop and writes patterns, in addition to skiing, loving animals, doing all kinds of crafty things, and being married to a great guy.

She also taught me a great lesson's OK to be a little late with a handcrafted goodie for a is still greatly appreciated and puts much-needed smiles on gloomy January faces!  (makes me feel better about all the things I have not finished yet for friends...blush, blush)

The snow has swallowed my's hard to believe that there are daffodils sleeping under there somewhere.  We usually don't see those until April around here...

Mother Nature has lost her mind...I think she is saying to all of us, enough is enough!  I hope that wherever you are, you are coping OK with the snow, heat, flooding, cyclones, and whatever else is being thrown your way!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. I so totally agree that Mother Nature has lost her mind!! It is cold enough already.. I'm ready for some warmth.. I just don't think I can get warm enough at this point. I'll change my mind surely this summer when I'm complaining about the heat.. but for now.. a little (LITTLE) warmth please!!

  2. You are such a tease!!! You lay all those squares out and we look at 'em and go..."OH!!! What!! What are you going to do!?!?!?!" I'm with you on the gray-green. Dump 'er! :-D
    Stay warm and watch for falling UFO's!
    Mary Lou

  3. I think I have the blue you need, I took apart an auction top and have no need for the setting sqs. if you want them I will mail to you.

  4. dear teresa,i am looking forward,what you will do with those 30`s,have a nice weekend,hugs,susi

  5. I look forward to seeing what you're going to do with the 30's squares. It is good to rework your ufo - maybe I should go have a look at some of mine...
    The stocking is wonderful! Anytime is a good time to give/recieve a gift :0)

  6. Yep, that shade of green just kinda lies there doesn't it. Hooray for finally coming up with a plan!! I don't know what it is about some projects, I feel that way about the Dear Jane.


  7. nice HST block. I can't believe how many ways you can use them.
    Those bins.....I'm in awe, seriously, do you sleep? can you organize my life?
    that is such a cute stocking!
    Go Green Bay!!

  8. I have the same UFO! I actually ordered the quilt kit for that 30's quilt years ago when the magazine came out. At the time, I had just started quilting. At some point, as you said, it lost it's sex appeal, and it got buried under a pile. Seeing yours make me want to dig it out again, and finish it!

  9. My take on quilts is that I make it the way I like it, because all quilts go with all decor. Your new project will probably be even better than your original idea. If you find you have projects sitting around that you just can't get back into and don't know what to do with, I take projects like that and make American Heroes quilts from them. I'm sure, if you didn't want to send it to TN, there are people near you who do some similar kind of project for children, or cancer or soldiers. I say, get 'em out of there. It isn't like you will actually miss them or notice their absence.

  10. I can usually tell you what movie was playing in the background of lots of my quilts and knitting projects, sometimes years later.

    It's kind of annoying to have a project permanently linked in my memory to the Phineas and Ferb Christmas Special! :-)


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