
Friday, January 14, 2011

Chocolate bunny word scramble...

Weasley and I have been playing chocolate bunny word scramble.  One of the two UFO's that I am committed to finish right now is "Bunnies Prefer Chocolate" by Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs.  I just finished the embroidery embellishments and got the blocks sewn together.  Now I am ready for a stop border and an outer border.

This is not a very good picture...too dark and washed out, but you get the idea.  The thing that coaxed me (tricked me, really...) into finishing was deciding to put a phrase in the outer border.

I've gotten some good suggestions from friends and blogland. 

The phrase will be: (drum roll, please...)

Just hand over the chocolate...
...and no bunny gets hurt!

As much as I love Tonya's free pieced letters, I decided the roundness of the rabbits called for rounded, applique letters.  I've got them drawn on Freezer paper, ready to cut out, adhere to some fabric and get crackin' on the applique.

I finally took down the Christmas tree ornaments and the new artificial tree segments were stuffed into 2 large tree duffle bags.  They are in the living room until we get them in the attic over the garage.  They look like body bags.  A neighbor popped in today, glanced at the bags, then glanced back at me.  I told her, "that's what happens when you don't get what you wanted for Christmas..."

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. OMG you made me laugh out loud!!! you are sooo funny! body bags - disappointment punishment, ha ha ha
    I love our bunny quilt - it is toooo cute and the words are going to be perfect for it. Can't wait to see it.

  2. I lusted over that pattern last year when I saw it and the shop was sold out. You have done it great justice I see. I absolutely love it!

  3. I love your chocolate phrase...perfect for this adorable fun quilt.

  4. Thanks for two really good laughs today! Love the saying for the bunny quilt border, just perfect! And the tree/body bags....gotta remember that one.

  5. I was laughing at the saying you're going to put around your quilt, which is going to make it absolutely fabulous, but then teh body bags comment really had me chortling!
    Beautiful kitty!!

  6. I think that'll be the perfect saying for your bunny quilt. I think you're right about the roundness of the letters.
    Very funny about the body bags :0)

  7. Love tht bunny quilt! Your saying is just purrfect!

  8. Yep - most definitely a laugh out loud moment.
    Well done on the saying for the quilt too.

  9. Your quilt is beautiful! I am a big fan of words on quilts so I am anxious to see the border~what alot of work!!!!!
    Its good to get to the body bag part of the holidays!lol!
    ♥ Eileen


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