
Monday, October 11, 2010

Steady girl...wait for it....

What do I have in common with this sweet, patient pooch??  We are both waiting to bite into something so wonderful and tempting, and we are BOTH HAVING A HARD TIME WAITING!!  Look what arrived in the mail on Saturday...

This beauty is called "Stars and Sprigs" (96 x 96) and it is by Kim McLean.  I'm trying to be a good girl and finish a couple of things before jumping in with both feet.  The pattern can be ordered from Glorious Color

Check out Glorious Applique to follow people making the various applique beauties by Kim McLean.

As for me (for the moment), I'm just thinking about how Dorie from Finding Nemo would say, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. wow that is some border! what kind of applique method will you use - all I do is needle turn.

  2. Oooo I'm jealous, I've ordered 3 of Kim's patterns and am hoping they will be here today. I have no idea when I will start them, but at least I will have the patterns LOL


  3. What a good pup!

    OK, that pattern is GORGEOUS but intimidates me. LOL! I will have fun just watching your quilt grow.

  4. I would be SO intimidated! Guess you have to work it one step at a time.

    Very ambitious!

  5. oh yes she is such a good girl waiting for that biscuit.
    will be fun to see who caves in first and starts this quilt

  6. OOO! I have seen others working on that quilt. It is fabulous and I know your version is going to be fab!

  7. You joined!! This is the one I would make IF I was to give in to temptation, so far I've been able to resist.....just..!!

  8. Teresa, I can so relate. What fortitude and patience you have. I would have been choosing fabrics and cutting background blocks already. I might not be able to resist either.


  9. I ordered that pattern last week! I told myself I could not start it until the two quilt projects in-process were finished...but then again, I don't have a carry along project and I could kit up those sprigs and get going...sigh, how quickly I can sabotage myself!

  10. I've been meaning to order this pattern ... thanks for the reminder. You will have a blast making this quilt!

  11. OMG - what a wonderful project.
    I'm feeling left out of the whole GA thing, but must keep to my current projects.
    I'll enjoy watching your progress!

  12. Hola me han gustado mucho sus trabajos
    Saludos desde La Linea:Mayte

  13. Cute post and what a good puppy!!! : )

  14. HI Teresa...this really reminds me of the Dear Jane quilt..just lovely..
    I want to gently remind you of your post for saturday at Stash...this were to expand on your stash in the basement.? Will you still be able to make that day..please let me know asap..and if sew..also to have it in draft the night before..I know many are looking forward to Part b lol..blessings madame samm


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