
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dr. Seuss balancing act...Thing 1 almost finished...

I have two Dr. Seuss quilts to make for my niece and nephew for Christmas, and I finally got brave and plunged ahead on cutting into the panels I bought for the purpose.  Between my stash and some of the accompanying fabrics, I had good choices for stripping out and arranging the fussy-cut blocks after I cut them apart.
This is the body of the first little quilt.  I have a skinny black with white dot stop border and a yellow print outer border to put on this one, which is for Eliza.  Then Asa's quilt, the second one, will have the same skinny black stop border and an aqua print outer border.

I wasn't happy with the freebie pattern so I came up with my own setting.  It was harder than I thought to dig through my stash bins for just the right shades of red, yellow and aqua to compliment the panels and blend with the purchased yardage.  I ended up having to cut off most of the frames that were printed around each fussy-cut block because of the way they were printed, but in a way that made it easier for me. 

I found my "Cat in the Hat" fabric at the Equilter web site (Robert Kaufman Fabrics).  Even the black and white selection was fun to fussy cut for a filler wonky star block.
Since these babies (who are cousins) will get them at Christmas when we are all together, I am putting their names in the quilts so they can tell them apart.  I bought red union suits and little blue wigs to go with the quilts, so they will be "Thing 1 and Thing 2."  My 13-yr-old daughter will wear her old Cat in the Hat Halloween costume - it will make for a GREAT photo opportunity on Christmas morning when we are all together!

Someone is going to machine quilt these for me, so I needed to drop everything to get them done to meet her Christmas cut off quilting rush.  I'm feeling a little manic between making these quilt tops, getting my sister's log cabin quilt layered and basted for hand quilting and getting my daughter's Halloween costume done.  It's like the Bermuda Triangle of sewing.  It doesn't help that she wants to look like this.
For all of you not familiar with "Wicked," this is Glinda (in the pink dress)...I think this dress is MAKE.  I wish she was going as Elphaba (with the green skin)...that would be easier for ME.  Her best friend is doing that one (her Mom doesn't sew...).  Oh well...this too shall pass...

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Cute quilts, the kids will love them!!

    Good luck with the costume, makes me happy I just had a boy, he just wanted to go as a ghost or a bum LOL.


  2. OMG I love your Seuss quilt!!
    I'm so glad you did your own "thing" ha, see what I did there, lol.
    It makes me so happy to think about that photo - please share it with us - it is tooo fun for words!
    I'm sure your daughter will be quite "pop-u-lar" in her costume - photos of that too please.
    Wow you are busy but it's on such fun projects -
    You go girl!

  3. O.k., Cutest quilts ever! Those kids are going to love them! Good job going your own way.

    I can just imagine them being read a Seuss book while they are under the quilts -- that would be a great one for the quilt scrapbook.

  4. Way too cute!

    The costume reminds me of the Project runway dress made from paper napkins during the "party store" challenge!

  5. I have Dr Seuss fabric I bought and other than cutting out the panels, I have done nothing with it. Do I have your permission to use your quilts as a help in deciding on placement and design? The colors are definitely unique. I can understand how you had difficulty even with your stash...

  6. Nice quilts Teresa and I can't wait to see Glinda..

  7. Great Dr. Suess quilts, and very cute idea with the jammies for the little ones. As for your Glinda...what we don't do for our daughters. Have fun in your own Bermuda Triangle of sewing :) I am usually in that zone the week before Christmas,
    Happy Sewing, I am off tomorrow for Galveston I will think of you next week while I am at the beach and walking along the seawall.

  8. The Dr. Suess fabrics and quilts are just too cute. I am seeing that fabric all over blogland and might have to have some for my stash. I believe I would feel "wicked" if I had to put all those ruffles on a dress...although when my daughter was little I made her a Belle dress from Beauty and the Beast. Hope to see photos of it all when you're finished.

  9. Perfect quilts for the kiddos Christmas!!

    I can't wait to see your applique tutorial...uhm
    that will be like WHEN?...oh, I guess when you find out where you got that purple 'thang'!!

  10. You Dr Suess Quilt is so adorably weirdly cute - Suess himself would be most impressed :)

  11. Is there any way to find out what size pieces you used or a pattern that was used. This Dr Seuss quilt is absoutley the cutest one I have ever seen.


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