
Monday, September 13, 2010

All Around the Town - Block #7...

Yippee!  Another block closer to the finish of All Around the Town.  This one is called the "cat house."  I'm glad my kitty isn't this big...he would eat me out of house and home.  (When they say "he's lies AROUND the house," they mean it!!)

I've got most of the pieces to the next block,the bottom left-hand corner, "quilt show today," prepped and ready to assemble.  I just need to make a couple of miniature quilt tops for the grassy lawn first.

Here are the first 6 blocks (the right half of the quilt).

And here is the picture from the front of the pattern (it is by Sue Garmon).

Have a great day in your town!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. I have wanted to make that quilt for a while. I am enjoying watching you make it. Love teh cat. Your fabric choices are great.

  2. I am loving watching you make this quilt
    I remember when this pattern came out and I wanted to make it , now I want to make it again!
    just beautiful
    I love house quilts and this one is just special

  3. AROUND the house! Snort!! (Reminds me of the old mother-in-law jokes..."She's so big, when she sits....") Wow! I love your block! I'd seen the pattern around but the photo on the cover doesn't really do it justice, does it!? Very cool! Is that a Sue Garman design?
    Mary Lou

  4. What a wonderful block, I just LOVE it!! I really NEED to get this pattern....I'm off to search for it with credit card in hand :0)


  5. Darn, my favorite search engine for quilty stuff doesn't list this pattern. Where did you get yours Teresa?


  6. how fun!! I love it the cat on the roof - mine visit the roof off the back of our house often, and it's 3 stories high there. they watch the birds at eye level, lol.
    Are you hand appliqueing these?

  7. Oh, I just love this! It looks fantastic so far. I have this pattern in my stash (along with fabrics I think). I bought it years ago and I think that I better resurrect it. I'm just loving yours!!

  8. After I posted above, I was given a Sunshine Award for my blog! (Who knew!? :-D) It's a kinda "networking" recognition that I'm passing along to you! There more information here on my site:
    Mary Lou

  9. Woo Hoo girl.....this is going to be FAB!!! And since I'm a little 'late' to this it going to be hand applique or machine applique??

  10. Cute quilt Teresa. I love your fabrics for that chimney and the sidewalk. I love the houses....and the cat.

  11. Che bello il tuo quilt .
    Vorrei farlo anch'io na non riesco a trovare il patters sai dirmi dove posso trovarlo grazie 1000
    anna nardelli

  12. Che bello il tuo quilt .
    Vorrei farlo anch'io na non riesco a trovare il patters sai dirmi dove posso trovarlo grazie 1000
    anna nardelli


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