
Friday, August 20, 2010

Not quite done...

Wow...two posts from me in one's either feast or famine lately, huh...

I talked earlier (today) about trying to finish this baby quilt for my nephew.  I still want to put a skinny light blue border on, followed by another narrow white one, then bind it in white.

What you see was all hand-pieced and hand-appliqued.  Once I figured out how to connect all my little circles (that were on square backgrounds...go figure), I ended up appliqueing the whole mess on white borders.

Thanks to Kellie at Don't Look Now for this "adventure" in quilting.  Her tutorials were great...I'm just an idiot.  I like the name of her blog...I will think of it every time I think about the messy back of this quilt top (as in, "oooo, 'don't look now' this messy back side of the top...). 

When I get the other little borders on the top, I will show you the back side before I layer it all for the hand-quilting (and hide it all away forever and ever, amen).  Now THAT will be a humbling experience for me!  I always try so hard to press carefully so the back of my work doesn't look like a train wreck, but joining these round blocks on square backgrounds...let's just say it was like putting a square peg in a round hole.

The important thing is that I pushed through my mental block about this quilt and I will have it finished, layered, quilted, and sent on it's way to little Asa in no time!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Hooray for finding a solution that works for you and makes for a very lovely quilt!! Perseverance does pay off :0)


  2. Your nephews quilt is lovely. I think you are very brave, I too was very keen to make this quilt but no matter how many times I read the instructions I couldn't work them out. I finally decided to put it in the too hard basket! Congratulations on finishing.


  3. Looks great! Good for you for pulling it out of the box - what a lucky little boy!

  4. The Joseph's Coat is wonderful. Looking forward to seeing photos after you've quilted it. I have my compass out and bought more freezer paper....guess that's sort of a start? That will be a treasured gift.


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