
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oh Geez, it's my BIRTHDAY!

My blog is one year old!!  It really sneaked up on me!  I'm going on a give-away hunt today to find something fun for YOU to celebrate!  Be sure to check out my next post for a chance to win!

I can't believe it has been a whole year.  I still feel as dumb about blogging "how to's" - I'd rather sew than try and figure out more ideas for making my site look nice.  Thank you for visiting me anyway!

I've been working with no rules for a few days...not easy for me.  I'm trying to put a top together from my fabulous "liberated lady" swap blocks, my liberated doggie and tree blocks, and a tub of small to medium scale floral fabrics.  My friend Jonesy made most of us witches, and that is the focus for my quilt.  My daughter loves "The Wizard of Oz" and "Wicked," so I thought I would finish it along that theme.  Here's the mess that is currently hanging on my design wall (mess in a GOOD way)...   :o)

I'm still in the process of adding strips, making liberated tree spacers where needed, and moving ladies around. 

After the center is together, I am going to free-piece words (a la Tonya of Lazy Gal Quilting) that will say "I'll get you my pretties...and your little dogs, too!"

Things can get pretty nutty going from the wall to the sewing machine, so I thought I would share my SECRET LABELING WEAPON with you.  I take leftover scraps of FREEZER PAPER, cut them into squares, and label them with row and block number (or other info), then press them to the block or chunk of pieced mess.  (I temporarily press them to something else, then peel them off when I am really to use them.)

I like this better than pins, clips, or other bulky row markers that are available commercially.  I don't have to move them before pressing or sewing, they add no weight, and when I am finished, I just peel them off and throw them away.  It's the best way I have found to reduce piecing errors.

I also use this method to label swap blocks with my name or other info.

Or better YET, I use this to label pieces of blocks or kits in case I set a project aside and FORGET what fabric goes WHERE!  (which happens to me a lot...)  I used to use painters masking tape or trust my old brain (big mistake these days...) and freezer paper leaves no residue and keeps me from banging my head against my sewing machine as I try and remember things (or use a seam ripper, God forbid!).

So have fun sewing, and try my method using freezer paper...I sure am glad some butcher somewhere came up with this fabulous stuff!!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. I like your "design wall mess". Looks very creative to me.

  2. Happy blogging day!!
    I love your "design wall mess" looks creative!!

  3. Happy blog birthday! Great tip about using the freezer paper. It is great stuff. Winona

  4. Thank you for a very inspiring blog and may you find time for another great blogging year!

  5. oh i just love all these little people!
    love the words your going to use on your quilt...perfect
    wizard of oz one of my all time favorite movies.
    great great tip using freezer paper, thanks!

  6. I really love this quilt!! I thought the witch had something in her pocket, when I looked at the picture....good thing you explained what that white bit was for. I did the freezer paper thing when I was making my Dear Jane, very handy!! I often wonder who ever thought that freezer paper worked so well with fabric, but I certainly bless that person :0)


  7. I love your freezer paper labeling idea! I just was assembling a quilt on Monday and used the old pins/paper method. But your method is going to be my new technique from now on! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Hey, Teresa,

    I just love the little critter holding the mike. That's a cute photo! You are up to your eyeballs in another couple of projects, I see. Looking good, too. Michele

  9. Happy Blog Birthday!
    I love love your daughters quilt. Can't wait to see the free pieced letters.
    what a fabulous idea on the freezer paper - brilliant!

  10. sorority presidentJune 10, 2010 at 8:21 PM

    Happy Blog Birthday! I enjoy your talents and humor....

  11. This totally rocks! I love it! Great job!

  12. One year! Wow, Congrats. I have enjoyed your blog a lot. And that quilt in your wall is so neat.

  13. Congrats Teresa on this awesome achievement!



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