
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Liberated doggies...

These are my first 3 attempts at some liberated pooches to go with my liberated ladies.  This is my hot dog.  I also tried a tan dog with pointy ears, from behind.   DH thinks it looks like a giant version of Weaseley, our wonder cat.  Whatever.

DH and daughter were more supportive of my Toto dog...

Since one of my liberated ladies was a witch (thank you, Jonesy!!) and my daughter loves "The Wizard of Oz" and the musical "Wicked," I've come up with a plan. 

I have ended up with extra liberated ladies, so I need several more doggie companions for my plan to work.   After more dogs, I will finish some Tonya words/phrase for the border.  Here is my original portion of swapped ladies.  I now have over twice this many (oh, the generous nature of quilting friends!).

Stay tuned!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Your ladies and doggies are wonderful. I can hardly wait to see how you put them all together into a quilt :0)


  2. very nice dogs and ladies,teresa,have a nice time,susi

  3. Love your doggies! and the witch is really wonderful - great fun!

  4. Oh what fun! You must have been reading some of Gwen MArston's books.

    Love the blocks!!

  5. very nice,



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